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你先点。You order first.

他们整齐有序.They are in order.

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我可以点餐了。I'm ready to order.

法庭内保持肃静。Order in the court.

不要叫外卖。Don't order takeout.

请为我点菜。Please order for me.

好警察服从命令。Good cops take order.

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遵守公共秩序。Observe public order.

需要叫菜时,可以说。Please take my order.

次序倒了。The order is reversed.

每回我下令出动。Every time I order out.

我将把它们写进订货单里。I'll put them on order.

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为了您的棉衣今天!Order your Parka today!

茶或咖啡要单点。Tea or coffee by order.

大卫,你先点。You order first, David.

第一分钟秩序的呼吁。First order call formin.

有人曾找到一张他的订单Somebody found an order.

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为何不点多些菜?Why not order more food?

我买饭带走吃可以吗?Can I order takeout here?

这个我没有点过。I didn't order this here.