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愤怒是短暂的猖。Anger is quick madness.

疯魔现在立即生效。Madness is now immediate.

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准备好来乐汶堡狂欢三天了吗?Ready for 3 days of madness?

玛格利特我不认为这是疯狂的。Margaret I deny it's madness.

他的行为近于疯狂。His conduct borders on madness.

刊行是毫无道理的。Such a publication was madness.

对一个欧洲人而言,这简直是疯话。To a European, this is madness.

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整一摞的疯言疯语.It's madness piled upon madness.

这种疯狂是从何时开始的呢?When did all this madness begin?

荷兰在1000百万像素疯狂。Dutch madness in 1000 megapixels.

他粗鲁的行为变成疯狂。His ruder manner turned into madness.

我们甚至都战胜了一夫一妻制的狂热!We'd defeated the madness of monogamy!

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给以短短一个小时的癫狂和豪兴!With one brief hour of madness and joy.

他的行为与疯狂丝毫不差。His conduct was nothing short of madness.

一个饱受疯癫折磨人如何才能喜悦?How can one haunted by madness be joyful?

自言自语是否是疯癫的一种表现?Is talking to yourself a sign of madness?

并且在那地,希冀着,最后真正的疯狂。And there , mayhap , true madness at last.

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那一家人都有点疯疯癫癫的。There's a strain of madness in the family.

这样做可能很傻,但是我爱他!Madness it may be, but I love him, there it is!

但这种疯狂血拼也有些道理。But there is some sense to this seeming madness.