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视频矩阵终端?。VMT? Video Matrix Terminal?

虚拟终端代理商?。VTA? Virtual Terminal Agent?

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索道的终点站在山顶。The cable terminal at the top.

虚拟终端协议?。VTP? Virtual Terminal Protocol?

把它吹出你的终端回肠!Blow it out of your terminal ileum!

我家离公共汽车总站很近。My home is close to a bus terminal.

本次列车终点站是巴沟站。The terminal of the train is BAGOU.

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货物运输时一种中码头业务。Freight pickup is a terminal service.

他怎样到达市区集散站的?How does he get to the city terminal?

可选铸铁接线盒可用。Optional cast terminal box available.

虚拟终端存取法?。VTAM? Virtual Terminal Access Method?

您能告诉我这车的终点站在哪里吗?Can you tell me where the terminal is?

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塑胶产品生产。Terminal , Plastic Product Production.

我们是在公共汽车总站分手的。We parted company at the bus terminal.

不要直接用手接触电容器正负极。Do not directly touch terminal by hand.

我陪你到公共汽车终点站。I'll keep with you to the bus terminal.

我陪你到公共汽车终点站。Please wait for me at the bus terminal.

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可视图文终端控制驱动器?。VTCD? Videotex Terminal Control Driver?

飞往罗马的班机从3号航站楼出发。Flights for Rome depart from Terminal 3.

虚拟机终端协议?。VMTP? Virtual Machine terminal Protocol?