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见于神经衰弱,也见于轻度意识障碍时。See at neurasthenic, also see at spending recognizant obstacle gently when.

继而出现不同程度的意识障碍,表现为朦胧状态,精神错乱。Then appears the recognizant obstacle of different level, expression is fugue, crackbrained.

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头痛一般发生在前驱症状期和意识恢复期。Have a headache to produce advanced drive commonly semiotic period and recognizant convalescence.

意识障碍以嗜睡、朦胧、混浊、谵妄,错乱状态较多。Recognizant obstacle sleeps with be addicted to, hazy, muddy, delirium, unbalanced condition is more.

随着人们对居住环境要求的不断提高,现代住区的景观设计几乎已达到“无水不园”的地步。With the progress of residential environment recognizant , more and more waterscape is involved in community design.

情感爆发、意识障碍、抽搐发作,一般于短期内即可消失,但常常有再发倾向。Affection erupts, recognizant obstacle, convulsive fit, general at short-term inside can disappear, but often have reappearance tendency.

虽然我的本意不想的,但是也由不得我了,估计是草根站长的意识嗜好吧。Although my original idea does not think, but also not be up to sb to decide I, estimation is the recognizant hobby of careless root stationmaster.

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病人如果烦躁不安,可给予安定类药物,但剂量不宜过大,以免影响意识程度的观察。If the patient is irritating, can give stable kind of medicaments, but dosage shoulds not be too big, lest affect the observation of recognizant degree.

起病大都很急,迅速产生严重的意识障碍或伴有去大脑皮质综合征。Have disease mostly very urgent, the recognizant obstacle with rapid serious generation or companion have go cerebrum is coriaceous and integrated proof.

少数患者发作可出现意识障碍或抽搐,婴儿可表现忽然剧烈哭叫、面色改变及其他自主神经症状。Fit of a few patient can appear recognizant obstacle or tic, the baby can be behaved abrupt and acuteness cry for, complexion change etc is own neurosis shape.

这类“痴呆”大都是伴随意识障碍而出现的暂时性脑机能障碍,并非真正智能缺损。This kind " gawkish " it is the provisionality head that accompany recognizant obstacle and appears mostly dysfunction, be not true intelligence to be short of caustic.

意识形态、社会制度、发展模式的差异,不应成为人类文明交流的障碍,更不能成为相互对抗的理由。The discrepancy of the recognizant form, the societal system and the developmental mode should not become the obstruction of the intercourse and the oppositional reason.

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所谓潜性意识,是指一般情况下为本人的意识所不能察觉的,但又确定存在的那些性心理活动。Alleged go sexual consciousness, show the recognizant place that is oneself usually cannot be aware of, but those sexual psychology activities that exist certainly again.

基底动脉型偏头痛是在偏头痛发作期间,出现脑干神经功能紊乱,常伴有全盲及意识变化等。Base artery migraine is to be during migraine fit, function of occurrence head dry nerve is disorder, constant companion has complete blind and recognizant change to wait.

谵妄以夜间为重,主要表现为意识障碍和不协调的精神运动性兴奋,若伴高热,可危及生命。Delirium with nightly attach most importance to, main show is recognizant obstacle and excitement of incongruous spirit motility, if accompany high fever, can endanger life.

目前对华南内陆中生代构造环境与演化过程的认识存在分歧,一定程度上与对多种地质要素的综合研究不够有关。There are recognizant divergences on the Mesozoic tectonic evolution of south China, which is to a certain extent related to inadequacy of integrated study on multiple geological elements.

病人表现意识模糊,理解和反应迟钝,记忆力衰退,主动注意减退,自我意识存在,周围意识障碍,定向力错误等。The patient behaves recognizant faintness, understand and unresponsive, memory ebbs , active attention drops, self-awareness exists, all round recognizant obstacle, directional force mistake.