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这消息靠得住。The news is reliable.

我觉得它很可靠。I think it's reliable.

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地铁更可靠。Subways are more reliable.

这是一个可靠的姜子牙。This is a reliable bloomer.

这个消息果真可靠吗?Is the news really reliable?

系统应该是可靠的。The system shall be reliable.

他们是非常可靠的。They were tremendously reliable.

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自始至终,这都是一个忠诚、可靠的爱。It was a loyal and reliable love.

这个绳套不可靠。This rope socket is not reliable.

这报上的新闻可靠吗?Is the news in the paper reliable?

我们有可靠的保幼员。We have very reliable babysitters.

这是一台100小时可靠的发动机。This is a 100-hour reliable engine.

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要使用安全可靠的绳套。Use safety and reliable rope socket.

防干烧保护,安全可靠。Burned protection, safe and reliable.

然而,埃克曼的办法有多可信呢?But how reliable are Ekman's methods?

而自然肯定是可靠的。Nature is deterministically reliable.

带给你的旵是最可靠的回报!Bring the most reliable return to you!

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月亮般恬静可靠的埃伦。Ellen, quiet and reliable as the moon.

可靠消息是一个主要的例子。Reliable messaging is a prime example.

那才真正是非常可靠的消息来源。That's really the very reliable source.