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然后,血液又经由血管从阴蒂输送出来。Veins then carry blood out of the clitoris.

雌性鲸鱼的阴蒂大约8厘米长。The clitoris of the female whale is about 8 cm. long.

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你男友不应该管你的阴蒂,它属于你。Your boyfriend should not be in charge of your clitoris.

女性阴蒂的唯一作用就是带来快乐。The sole function of the female clitoris is for pleasure.

用中指和拇指滚动揉搓你的阴蒂。Finger roll your clitoris between the index finger and thumb.

把两根手指并在一起,放于阴蒂之上。Place two fingers side by side over the top of your clitoris.

而且我的阴蒂有着一种想和振动器发生风流韵事的强烈欲望。And my clitoris is having an intense love affair with my vibrator.

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在阴蒂包皮下外表可见到的正是阴蒂头。Externally visible under this foreskin is the glans of the clitoris.

这种有节奏的摩擦会让女人高潮来得更快。The rhythmic grinding on the woman’s clitoris will induce orgasm quickly.

面朝下躺着,通过身体的运动蹭某个物品来刺激阴蒂。Lie on your stomach and move against some object to stimulate the clitoris.

阴蒂高潮时这当中最普片也是最强烈的。Orgasms of the clitoris are the most common and usually the strongest ones.

分展而开的阴蒂脚有些像鸡胸上叉状的如愿骨。The legs of the clitoris flare out somewhat like the wish bone of a chicken.

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一旦骄立的阴蒂清楚可见,你就踏上里高潮之路。Once the clitoris is clearly erect and visible, you're on your way to orgasm.

然后,用右手拇指轻轻按捺住阴蒂包皮,此时阴蒂展露无余。Then he'll anchor the clitoris with the right thumb by holding the hood back.

我们已经注意到鬣狗和蜘蛛猴的大阴蒂。We have already noted the large clitoris in the hyaena and the spider monkey.

她生动的插图将小组勃发的阴蒂观念引上了另一境界。Her illustrations vividly brought the group’s concept of tilt clitoris to lift.

你阴蒂失去感觉,意味着是时候改变刺激的方式。Losing sensation in your clitoris means it's time to change how you stimulate it.

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用你的手指刺激自己的阴蒂,这是自我性爱的基本技能。Using your fingers to stimulate the clitoris is a fundamental skill for masturbation.

有时阴蒂仅仅部分地成对,即是说它朝上端分支。Sometimes only part of the clitoris is paired, i.e. it branches towards the upper end.

现代解剖学上正确的阴蒂定义为FFWHCs所作出。he modern, anatomically correct definition of the clitoris was developed by the FFWHCs.