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HPLC法可测定出大黄酸的含量。The content of rhein could be determined by HPLC.

目的研究大黄酸衍生物RH-01对鼻咽癌KB细胞的抑制作用。Objective To study the effects of rhein derivative RH-01 on KB cells.

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目的观察大黄酸对肝纤维化形成的影响。Objective To investigate the effect of rhein on the development of hepatic fibrosis.

莱茵河六幅系列摄影作品的尺寸各不相同,而这幅莱茵河II是其中最大的一幅。Rhein II is the largest of the six photographs, which are produced in various sizes.

这幅作品拍摄于1999年,是莱茵河全景彩照六幅系列作品中的第二幅。The panoramic colour print Rhein II, created in 1999, is one of an edition of six works.

新的建筑物在校园维特拉在莱茵河畔魏尔在德国由日本建筑师萨那。New buildings at the Vitra Campus at Weil am Rhein in Germany by Japanese architects SANAA.

目的建立黄枳胶囊中大黄酚、大黄素、大黄酸的含量测定方法。Objective To establish a method for determination of chrysophanol, emodin and rhein in Huangzhi capsules.

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TLC和HPLC证明何首乌毛状根中含有大黄索和大黄酸成分且均以游离和结合两种形式存在。TLC and HPLC proved that emodin and rhein were existed in the hairy root with free and combinative forms.

本发明的实验表明,大黄酸对脂肪肝有显著的治疗效果。The experiment of the invention indicates that the rhein has a remarkable effect for treating the fatty liver.

结果以膜剂中大黄酸的释放度为评价指标,膜剂体外缓释效果良好。RESULTS Using the release rate of Rhein from film as an evaluation index, the in vitro drug releases were well.

结果方药配伍对茵陈蒿汤中大黄酸溶出率变化有很大影响。Conclusion Drug compatibility is one of the main causes for change of rhein content in Yinchenhao Tang decoction.

目的观察大黄酸对人工动情期大鼠离体子宫平滑肌条的作用及探讨其作用机制。Objective To research the effects of rhein on contractile activity of uterine smooth muscle strips of virginal rats.

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天然大黄中大黄酚的含量较大,但其药效性比较单一,且活性远不及大黄酸强。The content of Chrysophanol in natural Rhubarb is rich, but its effect is single, and activity is weaker than Rhein.

目的探讨酒制对虎杖中大黄素和大黄酸的影响。Objective To investigate the effects of the different wine processing method on the contents of emodin and rhein in Rhizoma Polygoni Cuspidati.

大黄酸和大黄素抑菌作用的拮抗物为核黄素、烟酸、黄嘌呤、谷胱甘肽、鸟甙和叶酸。Riboflavin, folic acid, nicotinic acid, glutathione, xanthine, and guanosine exhibited a strong antagonistic action against both rhein and emodin.

同样在周六,莱茵烈火队在LTU球场的20,355名球迷面前以41-38战胜了阿姆斯特丹舰长队,这场比赛也创造了联盟本周末的最高得分。On Sunday, the Rhein Fire defeated the Amsterdam Admirals 41-38 in front of 20,355 fans at LTU Arena in the league's highest-scoring contest of the weekend.

进而分析了大黄酸对中枢兴奋性传递的作用,发现神经元在灌流大黄酸前后小波熵参数数值变化显著。Furthermore, the effects of Rhein on the neural excitability transmission were analyzed, which showed that the wavelet entropy of EPSP was significantly decreased by Rhein.

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鉴于大黄酚具有大黄酸分子的基本母核,本文以植物中大黄酚为起始原料,经乙酰化、氧化和脱乙酰反应后制得大黄酸。Seeing that Chrysophanol has the same basic parent structure with Rhein, Rhein was synthesized through acetylation, oxidation and deacetylation reaction taking Chrysophanol as raw material.