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他是个老谋深算的老狐狸。He is a wily old fox.

加油工是一个狡猾的飙网者。The oiler was a wily surfman.

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的计划反害了他自己。His wily plan recoiled on him.

她父亲是一个狡猾的老执法官。Her father was a wily old attorney.

即便是很狡猾的月亮,也会跳到那张even the wily moon will leap to that bobbing

我们的小英雄能战胜狡猾的小八戒吗?Can our heroes possibly defeat this wily creature?

淬毒剑正是为那些老谋深算的战士们准备的!For the wily warrior there is the Envenomed Sword!

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他是位伟大的射手,在禁区里无人可挡并且经验十足。He's a great striker, strong in the area and very wily.

这人是个老油条了,你别太相信他。This guy's a wily old bird. Don't believe what he says.

马特聪明、狡猾,并且因他的爱惹麻烦而闻名。Matt was clever and wily and had a reputation for getting into trouble.

老谋深算的马尔扎人早在1982年加入了国际货币基金组织。The wily Magyars had joined the International Monetary Fund as early as 1982.

聪明的祖马当然会尽全力避免这一情况的发生。The wily Mr Zuma will, of course, do his utmost to avoid such an eventuality.

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Kotloff说,流感病毒是狡猾的,很难预知。Kotloff says that influenza is a wily virus, one that is difficult to predict.

这群狡猾的家伙没有欣然接受龙之母的电梯推销,或许情有可原。The wily lot may be excused for not jumping at the Mother of Dragons' elevator pitch.

我们都知道他这个人是个老油条,老谋深算。可是那个爱他的女孩却不相信!We all know that he a wily old bird, but that gril who love him did not believe that.

即使狡猾的操纵者Klaus先生可能也难以找到借口来拖延8个月。Even Mr Klaus, a wily operator, may struggle to find excuses to stall for eight months.

献上不朽的食物和饮料的神原来是老谋深算的大毒蛇——宁吉兹济达。The god who offered the food and drink of immortality was the wily serpent-god Ningishzida.

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右边的这只狡猾的蚂蚁站在一颗石子上,以比它的仇敌高出那么一英寸。But the wily ant on the right is standing on a pebble to gain a solid inch over his nemesis.

上一任的中情局局长利昂帕内塔是一位狡猾的华盛顿内幕人士和预算专家,他将成为下一任国防部长。CIA boss Leon Panetta, a wily Washington insider and budget expert, will become Defense Secretary.

又过了几天,这个老谋深算的退休老人再一次出现在他们正在沿路击打着垃圾桶的时候。A few days later, the wily retiree approached them again as they drummed their way down the street.