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我还需要一个同样PFD的副本。I also need a pfd copy of the same.

原理控制回路也应显示在PFD。Principle Control Loops shall also be shown in the PFD.

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但大剂量残留的PFD可使视网膜毒性较早发生。However, large remaining of PFD can lead to retina toxicity early.

不合身的个人漂浮装置可能无法提供预期的漂浮救生效果。An ill-fitting PFD may not provide the expected flotation benefits.

通过在重置反馈路径上加入延迟单元的方法来消除鉴相器的死区。The dead zone of the PFD is eliminated by adding delay cells in the reset path.

结论PFD存在明显的直肠感觉功能下降和盆底肌肉协调运动障碍。Conclusions There were decreased rectal sensation and pelvic floor muscle dysfunction in patients with PFD.

PFD可能由繁重的运动——如普拉提、骑单车和骑马等引起的肌肉损伤所导致。PFD can occur as a result of injury through strenuous activities like Pilates, biking, and horseback riding.

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当PFD在锁定模式中不生成脉冲时,电荷泵不提供电荷给环路滤波器。When the PFD does not generate pulses in lock mode, the charge pump does not provide charge to the loop filter.

提供合身的个人漂浮装置并训练如何使用它将大大提高你孩子在水边的安全性。Providing a proper-fitting PFD and training on how to use it will greatly increase your child's safety around water.

可膨胀的PFD有较少的体积和没有了干扰泡沫单位,但在想不到的进入水后实时提供漂浮。An inflatable PFD has less bulk and interference than a foam unit, but is ready to provide flotation during an unexpected entry into the water.

本文主要研究CMMB系统应用的小数分频PLL以及系统中高性能的鉴频鉴相器和电荷泵的实现。The main aim of this work is to research the fractional-N PLL in the CMMB application and the realization of the high performance PFD and CP of the PLL.

环路滤波器的作用就是滤除从PFD&CP出来的电压中的高频成分,从而纯化VCO的输出信号。The function of a loop filter is to filter high-frequency signal out of the output voltage from PFD and CP, thus the output signal from VCO will be purified.

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当基准和反馈时钟信号的相位和频率相同时,PLL处于锁定模式,且PFD输出信号中不生成脉冲。When the phase and frequency of the reference and feedback clock signals are the same, the PLL is in lock mode, and the PFD does not generate pulses in its output signals.

然而,在锁定模式中生成最小脉冲宽度的PFD对基准时钟信号和反馈时钟信号中小的相位差更敏感。However, a PFD that generates a minimum pulse width in lock mode is more sensitive to small differences in the phases of the reference clock signal and the feedback clock signal.

PFD响应于基准时钟信号和来自振荡器的反馈时钟信号之间的相位和频率差在输出信号中生成脉冲。The PFD generates pulses in it output signals in response to the difference between the phase and frequency of a reference clock signal and a feedback clock signal from the oscillator.