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它是第一个留声机。It was the first gramophone.

一个男子在大嚼留声机唱片。A man chews up a gramophone record.

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连趴著的休息都要趴在我的黑胶唱片上。Take a rest on a gramophone record.

我去年买了一台电唱机。I bought an electric gramophone last year.

留声机已被磁带录音机所取代。The gramophone has been displaced by tape recorder.

话筒看起来很像老式留声机的喇叭。The mike resembled an old-fashioned gramophone horn.

照相机之于光犹如留声机之于声。The camera is to light what the gramophone is to sound.

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你在做记录,就像歌曲被刻录在留声机的唱片上。You are recording as it is recorded on a gramophone plate.

唱针也不如用过的牙签好几多。And the gramophone needle is not as good as a used toothpick.

电话和流声机是同一时代的发明。The telephone and the gramophone were contemporary inventions.

电话和留声机是同一时代的发明。The telephone and the gramophone were contemporary inventions.

它像旧时代的曲调,在激情演奏的留声机。It is like tunes of the old time, playing in pathos on the gramophone.

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人们在世博会上第一次听到从留声机里发出的声音。The voice of the Edison gramophone was first heard by visits in World Expo.

人们在世博会上第一次听到从留声机里发出的声音。The voice of the Edison gramophone was first heard by visitors in World Expo.

他竟然在旅途中带了留声机,三支步枪,一个月的给养,还有莫扎特。He even took the gramophone on safari. Three rifles, supplies for a month, and Mozart.

本实用新型涉及玩具产品技术领域,特指一种模拟留声机。The utility model relates to the technical field of toy product, in particular to an analog gramophone.

今天单张录音唱片挣的版税要比过去一步电影还要多得多。A single gramophone record nowadays may earn much more in royalties than the films of the past ever did.

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从西姆拉到喀什米尔,一路上我们看到了湖上的船屋,拥有咖喱香味的窗帘以及上发条的留声机。From Simla to Kashmir and a houseboat on the lakes, with curry-scented curtains and a wind-up gramophone.

1914年,用留声机和拍照机制成了最早的有声片子系统。School invention, produced its own camera. 1914, by Gramophone and camera film produced by the first audio system.

富特文格勒商业录音的次数因第二次世界大战的爆发而锐减。The outbreak of the Second World War sharply reduced Furtwangler's opportunities to make commercial gramophone records.