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缺氧与产伤为其主要病因。The main causes were anoxia and birth injury.

脑缺氧后小鼠存活时间。Survival duration of mice after cerebral anoxia.

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细胞对缺氧的反应可分为急性反应和慢性反应两种。There are two kinds of celluar responses to the hypoxia or anoxia.

目的为进一步证实缺血、缺氧时神经原性NO的神经毒性作用。Objective To confirm a neurotoxic role for neuronal NO during ischemia and anoxia.

下寒武统的黑色岩系形成于缺氧环境,但重晶石形成时期还原性相对较弱。The Cambrian black shales sediment in anoxia environment, but the degree of reducing was low.

缺氧事件主要发育于长7时期,属于地区性大型缺氧湖盆形成的缺氧事件。Anoxic events mostly developed in Chang 7 oil- bearing and belonged to the local large anoxia lake.

结论胎婴儿主要死亡原因为致死性畸形、感染和缺氧。Conclusions The main causes of mortality in fetus and infants are fatal malformation, infection and anoxia.

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说明2号口服液对雌雄小鼠的耐缺氧能力有更好的调理、平衡及提高作用。It suggested that Runshen No. 2 might even more modulate, equilibrate and improve mice resistance to anoxia.

方法用亚硝酸钠制造小鼠脑缺氧模型,诱导剂制造小鼠脑栓塞模型。Methods NaNO2 was used to induce cerebral anoxia in mice. Cerebral embolism in mice was induced by the revulsant.

目的探索血氧深入图像分析技术对患儿组织缺氧的判断作用。Objective To verify the diagnostic action of the deep-picture analysis of blood oxygen in children with tissue anoxia.

结论早期使用高氧液可降低血液粘度,改善微循环,有助于改善脑组织缺血缺氧,减轻脑水肿。Conclusion Early application of hyperoxia liquid can improve microcirculation, and decrease brain anoxia and brain edema.

结论高氧液可以有效改善宫内胎儿窘迫的缺氧状态,为进一步治疗胎儿窘迫争取宝贵时间。Conclusion Hyperoxin liquid can improve the anoxia status of fetus distress and save time for further clinical treatment.

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睡眠低氧血症及其继发的病理生理改变引起的脑缺氧为发病的主要机制。Cerebral anoxia due to nocturnal hypoxemia and its consequential pathological changes were the main mechanisms of this desease.

养心正脉颗粒还可使离体免动脉环拮抗去甲肾上腺素对主动脉的收缩作用,对离体豚鼠心脏有增加冠脉流量的作用。It can protect acute cerebral ischemia and anoxia and enhanced the volume of flow of extracorporeal coronary artery in guinea pig.

缺氧和快速埋葬有利于非矿化组织的保存,但不能阻止微生物的破坏作用。Anoxia and rapid burial do not prevent information loss through decay, but they do promote the preservation of non- mineralized tissues.

目的观察健脑合剂对小鼠耳廓微循环及断头小鼠耐缺氧能力的影响。Objective To observe the effect of brain tonic mixture on the auricular circulation of the mouse and anoxia tolerance of de- capitated mouse.

暴露在太空当中的真正问题是空气会迅速地从你身上的每个毛孔里溜走,造成大面积组织损伤并让你缺氧。The real problem with space exposure is the air rushing out of every orifice of your body, causing massive tissue damage and giving you anoxia.

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目的探讨综合评分法预测妊娠晚期胎儿宫内状况的诊断价值。Objective To discuss the diagnostic value on prediction of the fetal intrauterine anoxia in late pregnancy by the method of all-round evaluation.

主要可引起早产、羊水胎粪污染、死胎及产时胎儿窘迫、死产,其病因及发病机制至今不清。It is associated with a high rate of premature delivery, meconium stained amniotic fluid, antepartum fetal death, and fetal anoxia and stillbirth.

目的观察高氧水耐缺氧、抗疲劳的功能,初步研究其作用机制。Objective To investigate the effect of high oxygen water on anoxia endurance and anti-fatigue function in mice and explore the possible mechanism.