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第五部分力图发掘女祠堂在徽州妇女观念中的意义。The focus of the fifth part is the influence of ancestress temple upon Huizhou women.

第五部分力图发掘女祠堂在徽州妇女观念中的意义。The focus of the fifth part is the influence of ancestress temple upon Huizhuou women.

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第二部分考求女祠堂的名字来源。The second part is devoted to the origin and development of ancestress temple's names.

第三部分探讨女祠堂与宗族礼法之间的关系。The third part explore the relationship between ancestress temple and the clan manners.

一心都在他身上,又是喜欢,又是伤心,竟忘了老祖宗。I was so carried away by joy and sorrow at sight of my little cousin, I forgot our Old Ancestress.

正是呢!我一见了妹妹,一心都在她身上,又是喜欢,又是伤心,竟忘记了老祖宗。该打,该打!I was so carried away by joy and sorrow at sight of my little cousin. I forgot our Old Ancestress. I deserve to be caned.

我一见了妹妹,一心都在她身上,又是喜欢,又是伤心,竟忘了老祖宗,该打,该打!"Of course, "she cried. "I was so carried away by joy and sorrow at sight of my little cousin. I forgot our Old Ancestress. I deserve to be caned.

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文章第一部份介绍徽州地区现存女祠堂的基本情况并进行简单的分类和特徵概括。The first part of this paper introduces the basic information of the extant ancestress temple by categorizing them and describing their characteristics.

本文以徽州地区女祠堂为研究对象,力图探讨它在妇女生活中的地位与作用以及它所包含的文化内涵。This paper investigates the ancestress temple in Huizhou area, aiming at discussing their statue and function in women's lives as well as their cultural connotations.

本文以徽州地区女祠堂为研究对象,力图探讨它在妇女生活中的地位与作以及它所包含的文化内涵。This paper investigates the ancestress temple in Huizhou area , aiming at discussing their statue and function in women's lives as well as their cultural connotations.