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这种感覚我真的很喜欢。The advent of the feeling of love quietly.

但是这一次,出现的宏观调控。But this time, the advent of macro-control.

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春天来临时燕子成群飞来。Swallows come by group at the advent of spring.

与科技发展一日千里,这是没有必要的。With advent of technology, this is not needed now.

这段黄金岁月因为第一次世界年夜战的惠临而竣事。The golden age ended with the advent of World War 1.

同埃米莉亚交往以后,他的心境从此安静不下来了。Since the advent of Emilia, his mind was never quiet.

自从这些工具出现以来,使用它们的方法也有所变化。Since the advent of these tools, their use has evolved.

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四季度来临,年终决战在即。The advent of the fourth quarter, year-end battle soon.

金色的秋天来临,我却没有看到太多的收获。The advent of the golden autumn, I do not see many gains.

自从青霉素问世以后,大叶肺炎已不常见。This has become less common since the advent of penicillin.

自从喷气式飞机出现以来,旅行的速度大为提高。Since the advent of jet aircraft, travel has been speeded up.

春天到了,树木开始长出新叶。With the advent of spring, trees begin to put out new leaves.

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上海通用宣布其新产品“赛欧”轿车问世。Shanghai General Motor announced the advent of its new "Sail".

随着农业的出现,城邦取代了部落。With the advent of agriculture, tribes gave way to city-states.

随着刘西娜的到来,周开启原本的生活被扰乱。With the advent of , Zhou opened the original life was disturbed.

如今,校园欺凌又出现了令人烦扰的新形式——网络欺凌。A disturbing new twist on bullying is the advent of cyberbullying.

凝聚力量,统一思想,等待尖峰时刻的来临。Condense force, unite a thought, await the advent of aiguille hour.

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随着应用程序的出现,它变得更像我的信仰。With the advent of apps, though, it’s become more like my religion.

信息时代的到来,要求重新塑造图书馆员的形象。The advent of the information epoch demands to remold the librarians.

来吧,你这清晨的日光,以你的降临鼓舞我们的心灵。Come, Thou Dayspring, come and cheer our spirits by Thine advent here.