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被告人不遵守禁令。The defendant did not obey the interdict.

告诉我,一个租用的油料供应中心如何去切断石油供给线?Tell me, how does a rented refueling station interdict oil?

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并且我们会继续尽我们所能来阻断毒品来源。So we'll continue to do the best we can to interdict supplies.

禁令也可以用于保护公共利益。Interdict could also be sought for the protection of public interests.

同时配合网络边缘设备对攻击源实施阻断。Also, DDES can interdict the attack sources working in network edge service in the same time.

我们正努力创建一项机制来拦截朝鲜的货运。We are working very hard to create a mechanism where we can interdict North Korean shipments.

对此我们没有权力借口一个人的私生活进而剥夺一个人对社会的善举志愿。We have no right to interdict a person does beneficence to society only because of his personal life.

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009年的上半年,我跟随着一个特种部队,我们屡次想要阻断塔利班分子。In the first half of 2009, the army special forces company I was with repeatedly try to interdict Taliban.

二级预防的内容主要是设法消除食管癌发生的条件或是阻断癌变过程的某一阶段。That is to prevent esophageal cancer we try to interdict the condition and the course of esophageal cancer.

官方做出相当大的努力,阻止在台北国际机场非法过境。Officials devote substantial efforts to interdict the illegal movement of travelers through Taipei's international airport.

亨利决定通过道歉、忏悔以让教皇恢复他的教籍,重新获得领地上行使教权。Henry decided to purge his excommunication and get the interdict on his territories withdrawn by apologizing and doing penance.

埃及安全部队的工作,以制止武器和走私路线横跨广袤从苏丹到加沙运行炸药。Egyptian security forces work to interdict arms and explosives on smuggling routes that run across the vast expanse from Sudan to Gaza.

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过去,虽然联合国决议要求拦截装运武器的朝鲜船只,但中国和俄罗斯对此都很不配合。In the past, both China and Russia have proved reluctant to interdict North Korean arms shipments despite U. N. resolutions calling for them to be blocked.

甾体芳香酶抑制剂能抑制芳香酶活性,阻断芳构化反应,抑制雌激素生成,从而达到治疗乳腺癌的目的。Steroidal aromatase inhibitor can inhibit the aromatase activity, interdict the reaction, and inhibit the estrogen formation, so that it can cure the breast cancer.

除了与墨西哥的经贸合作,我们正在共同努力以确保尽快的识别并制止威胁,甚至在威胁到达北美之前。With Mexico, in addition to trade cooperation, we are working together to identify and interdict threats at the earliest opportunity, even before they reach North America.