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我们中必然没人愿做一个失礼的主人。Surely none of us would be an ungracious host.

简略的摘要并不意味着就要没吸引力。This curt sumMary is not meant to be ungracious.

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盛情难却。It would be ungracious not to accept your invitation.

如果我给你的比他给我的少,那就太不象话了。It would be ungracious of me to give you less than he gave me.

因为不那么盛情的迎接也许会让来访者找到更多抗议的理由。An ungracious host may give visitors one more reason to protest.

牧羊人追上野山羊,责怪它忘恩负义。The goatherd caught up with him and blamed his ungracious behaviour.

任性的忧郁,疼痛、冷漠、便秘、嘟哝、厌倦。Ungracious glooms , aches, lethargy, constipation, whimpering ennui.

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连与他共进晚餐这样的简单邀请都拒绝会显得非常失礼,没有教养。It would be most ungracious and impolite to refuse a simple invitation to supper with him.

所有生活在过去的人如今还与我们共存,我想我们没有人会不殷勤地欢迎他们的存在的。All those who have lived in the past live with us now. Surely none of us would be an ungracious host.

尼克松则以粗暴无礼的形象出现,当然他也是整个冒险计划的始作俑者。Nixon emerges as an ungracious figure, but also as the original architect of the whole daring project.

同时,格兰特也避开了其他球队球迷的辱骂。Then again, Grant hasn't earned the bile and spite of opposition supporters for any ungracious comments.

这孩子把手指放到嘴里,对好心肠的成尔逊先生的问题,一再粗野地拒不回答收藏。After putting her finger in her mouth, with many ungracious refusals to answer good Mr. Wilson's question.

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他一向尊敬温斯顿丘吉尔先生,他觉得拍小号丘吉尔的屁股实在是大不敬的事情。He'd always respected Sir Win?ston Churchill, and patting small versions of him on the bottom had al?ways seemed ungracious.

他这个人,照说没有什么可取的地方足以使她笑逐颜开的,因为他是个乖戾的青年人,即使对她也没有什么礼貌之可言。There was little enough in him to brighten her face, for he was a sullen young fellow, and ungracious in his manner even to her.

忌讳用左手向客人传递食物。用左手洗澡,认为左手不干净,用左手拿食品是不礼貌的。It is ungracious to use left hand to give food to guests, Moslems use left hand to clean their body and consider it unclean to handle food.

连战选后粗野的发言,宣称选举无效,引起了国外观察者们的担忧。Lien's ungracious speech after the election, urging that the election be declared null and void, has created some anxiety among foreign observers.

我早就说过,欣赏男人相貌的女人是低俗的也是愚蠢的,是没有教养和没有层次的,是鼠目寸光和没有见过世面的。I had said early, admiring the woman of man appearance is low common also is foolish, it is ungracious with what do not have administrative levels, it is shortsighted is mixed had not seen world.