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在这样的妇女中,有些很有可能有孤独症而没有被诊断出来。Some women could be going undiagnosed.

他很有可能没诊断出囊性纤维化。It is even possible he had undiagnosed cystic fibrosis.

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事发突然——因一种尚未确诊的疾病,疑似马凡氏综合征。It was sudden — an undiagnosed disorder, a suspected case of Marfan syndrome.

甲状腺功能不足病人中约半数得不到确诊。About half of the nearly 27 million people with an underactive thyroid are undiagnosed.

在正规学校的孩子患病的表现更可能趋于正常,从而不能被确诊。Children in regular schools are more likely to be higher functioning and thus undiagnosed.

如果不及时治疗或确诊的话,结核病对于HIV阳性的人有可能是致命的。Also, TB in HIV-positive people is more likely to be fatal if undiagnosed or left untreated.

在非洲,估计新发病例为6.9万例,而绝大多数被漏诊。In Africa, estimates show 69 000 cases emerged, the vast majority of which went undiagnosed.

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但是,不要低估它,哮喘能够让人们的生活更加困难,甚至致命。But don’t downplay it. Undiagnosed asthma can make life more difficult and could even be deadly.

然而他表示,由于知道这种病的医生太少,许多患者都没有得到确诊。But he said, because so few doctors have learned about the disease, it frequently goes undiagnosed.

但数百万没有得到诊断和治疗的哮喘患儿就没有这么幸运。This is not the case for millions of children who are living with undiagnosed and untreated asthma.

无数严重的男性抑郁患者屈服于社会期望而未得到诊断。However, by giving in to societal expectations, countless seriously depressed men are going undiagnosed.

杨说,我国糖尿病患者的人数可能被低估了,因为还有许多患者没有得到确诊。The disease in China might still be underreported as many cases are thought to be undiagnosed , Yang said.

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她向我保证,我可以完全康复,但我要离开被未知的病痛弄得的精神受到创伤。He reassured me that I would make a full recovery, but I was left traumatized by the weeks of undiagnosed pain.

一般来说,这些症状的人没有得到足够的医疗关注,而且很多中风被漏诊。Generally, the people who experience these symptoms do not seek medical attention and many strokes go undiagnosed.

在1998年,报告了近4万起病例,但估计有30万起病例未得到诊断并因此未得到治疗。In 1998, almost 40 000 cases were reported, but estimates were that 300 000 cases were undiagnosed and therefore untreated.

当然,作为一个儿科大夫的职责就是要确诊某些说不清的身体不适,并不代表了某种未诊断出的疾患。It’s the pediatrician’s job, of course, to make sure vague physical complaints don’t actually signal an undiagnosed disease.

由于许多制程已运作数年,但操作问题仍长久未被诊断出问题。Many processes have been around for years, but some operational problems still go undiagnosed for a prolonged period of time.

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但是,较常见的是低量铅接触,可引起不明确的体征和症状,并且仍然不能确诊。However, what is more common is the low-level lead exposure that may cause unspecific signs and symptoms and remain undiagnosed.

这种病症不仅导致长期的疼痛,而且还会影响周围区域汗液的产生。In this disorder, undiagnosed nerve damage not only causes chronic pain, but also affects sweat production in the surrounding area.

单独抑郁症本身不会引起所有的症状,所以一些有严重经前综合症的女性还患有未确诊的抑郁症。Some women with severe premenstrual syndrome have undiagnosed depression, though depression alone does not cause all of the symptoms.