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该方案已经取得了一些早期的成效。The program has notched up some early successes.

格里夫斯在他的57场国家队比赛中射入44球。Greaves notched 44 goals in his 57 internationals.

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分层后,曲边要修剪或打刀眼。After grading, curved edges are clipped or notched.

一天的射猎中,他们捕获了一两只兔子。They notched up one or two rabbits in a day's shooting.

枪手在自己的枪柄上刻上5个受害者的记号。The gunman notched up five victims on the handle of his gun.

一根有缺口的树枝当作梯子通向靠近顶端的开口。A notched tree trunk served as a ladder to an opening near the top.

衣领了翻领西服。袖子长度。舞步经典的健康。Notched collar with lapels. Three-quarter length sleeves. Classic fit.

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艾迪-约翰逊在克鲁2-1击败皇家园林巡游者的比赛中没有上场。Eddie Johnson was not involved as Crewe notched a shock 2-1 win at QPR.

像被施了魔法,埃蒙斯只打了4.4环滑落到了第四位。Like enchanted, he notched up a stunning 4.4 and plunged to the fourth.

队长特里打入了英格兰在新温布利的第一个进球。Captain John Terry notched the first goal for England in their new home.

人字纹大衣双排扣斜纹软呢外套采用了缺口领和6按钮关闭。Double-breasted tweed jacket with a notched collar and 6 button closure.

但它通过一些传统的择时操作创下了常春藤联盟名列前茅的投资回报。But it notched its league-beating return with some old-fashioned market timing.

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在82人年的太空任务中,三分之二是由俄国人来完成的。Of the 82 person-years spent in space, two-thirds have been notched up by Russians.

阿奎拉尼本赛季代表尤文图斯在联赛中出场29次,有两球进账。Aquilani has notched up 29 league appearances for Juventus this season, scoring two goals.

比利亚首开纪录,梅西上演帽子戏法,他还制造了对方一记乌龙。Lionel Messi notched a hat trick. There was also an own goal created by pressure from Messi.

切口试样测得的解理断裂应力明显高于光滑试样。The cleavage facture stress of notched specimen is much higher than that of smooth specimen.

即便是在这些自我描述的限度内,梁先生和他的非政府组织也还是取得了几次著名的胜利。Within these self-described limits, Mr Liang and his NGO notched up several famous victories.

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亚洲则共有70位这样的富翁。其中亚洲首富沙特阿拉伯王子阿瓦里德排名第11位。Asia, led by Saudi Arabia's Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud at No. 11, notched 70 billionaires.

一组放置于单极天线上半部之狭缝槽设计成功地达到所需要的频带阻绝功能。A pair of slits is inserted to the upper part of the monopole to obtain the notched band function.

而且还是从数据的角度出发,本赛季的利物浦与上赛季同期的曼联拿到的分数是一致的。And points-wise the Reds have notched up the same amount as Man United did at this stage last season.