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乍听下很有道理。Fair enough.

所以这是不公平的。So not fair.

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兵不厌诈。All is fair in war.

对,是不公平。True. It’s not fair.

是这样的吗,That’s a fair assessment?

我足够公正的猜测。Fair enough, I guess.

人面兽心。Fair face, foul heart.

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为学趁年青,既学须学好。Learn young,learn fair.

我们主张公平竞赛。We stand for fair play.

去舍尼的集市。A-going to Thorney Fair.

学习趁年轻,学就要学好。Learn young, learn fair.

奈特,好,很合理。Nate, okay, fair enough.

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旅交会将于22日结束。The fair ends on Sunday.

烝羿相信上帝是公平的。Believe that god is fair.

这是一个平正的陈述。This is a fair statement.

他极不公平地指谪她。This referee is not fair.

谁能定夺所谓的公平?Who decides what is fair?

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你就不能好好玩吗?Would you just play fair?

Sandel问大家,这是否公平?Sandel asks, is this fair?

那么甜蜜,纯洁而秀雅。So sweet and pure and fair.