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大量的饮料充分满足了他的口渴。A long drink sated his thirst.

间谍口渴得难受极了。He spy was maddened with thirst.

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我们渴了,他却独自满足。We thirst and He alone satisfies.

调整后的口渴和饥饿的命脉。Adjusted Thirst and Hunger vitals.

远水救不得近渴。Mineral water quenched our thirst.

因为这样一来她必须得喝水,否则会渴死。She had to drink or die of thirst.

他们渴死或饿死。They died of thirst or starvation.

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我喝了一杯水解渴。The cold water appeased his thirst.

带给ta解渴的饮料。Bring them a thirst quenching drink.

他有很强的求知欲。He has a strong thirst for knowledge.

满足你对自由的渴望!Is quenching your thirst for freedom!

一切嫉妒的核心都是缺少爱。Love is a thirst that is never slaked.

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喝杯啤酒可为你止渴。A cup of beer will satisfy your thirst.

少量的水能解渴。A small amount of water reduces thirst.

罼热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。Passionate love is a quenchless thirst.

由于他们总是饱尝口渴的折磨。They suffer from thirst first and always.

等到它死去,饿死,渴死?Until it dies here, of hunger, of thirst?

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他使我渴慕他的公义。He made me thirst after His righteousness.

国王和随从们渴得要死。The king and his men were dying of thirst.

瓶中之酒岂能解渴,画饼岂能解饥。Wine in the bottle does not quench thirst.