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我变老了,水城也是。I was older, so was Venice.

他们在威尼斯度了蜜月。They honeymooned in Venice.

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相比之下,贝利尼鸡尾酒还是在威尼斯更便宜些。Bellinis are cheaper in Venice.

看到威尼斯的那张可爱照片了吗?See that lovely photo of Venice?

太空平台。新威尼斯城所在地。Hosts the New Venice space station.

目前我住在威尼斯海滩。I live in Venice Beach at the moment.

年初去意大利旅游,第一站便是威尼斯。A tour to Italy, early first stop is Venice.

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最后她决定亲自到威尼斯走一趟。Finally she decided to go to Venice herself.

它们之中很多都是去年在威尼斯首映的。Many got their premieres at Venice last year.

你能比较一下威尼斯和圣莫尼卡海滩吗?Can you compare Venice and Santa Monica Beach?

公元1590年,威尼斯共和国在处于衰败的险恶困境之中。In 1590 the Republic of Venice was in decline.

你听说过威尼斯的“殿下礼舟“吗?Have you ever heard of the Bucintoro of Venice?

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前往阿威罗,“葡萄牙的威尼斯”,城市。Proceed to Aveiro, the "Portuguese Venice", city.

因为威尼斯海滩那边,because you have like, over towards Venice Beach,

许多街道在威尼斯其实是运河。Many of the streets in Venice are actually canals.

波西亚和尼瑞莎立刻动身离开了威尼斯前往贝尔蒙市。Portia and Nerissa left Venice for Belmont at once.

同埋,威尼斯孕育了很多成名的音乐家。Moreover, Venice has nurtured many famous musicians.

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狂欢节上的威尼斯尤其迷人。Venice becomes even more enchanting during Carnival.

威尼斯是更大的威尼托区地区的中心。Venice is the center of the larger region of Veneto.

他们订了两个从巴黎到威尼斯的睡铺。They booked two sleeping berths from Paris to Venice.