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它它当你来将这块的时候你会按照。Palindrome with a capital P.

它先访问了这个问题。OK. I'm calling palindrome with that.

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我把它命名为。palindrome I'm going to call this palindrome 1.

新密码是否旧密码的回文?Is the new password a palindrome of the old one?

我们可以把1放到数组里面作为第一个元素。So this is to test whether a list is a palindrome.

这就不对了,有bug出现了。It tells me it is a palindrome. Well, it isn't really.

这是一个关于回文数的判断算法!This is a palindrome number on the judgment algorithm!

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你的方式来讲而我会按照我的方式来讲,对不起约翰。Only in New York, in Canada we pronounce it Palindrome.

一回文是一串,内容相同的前进和落后。A palindrome is a string that reads the same forward and backward.

是回文的实验已经通过运行,下载后就可以使用了。Palindrome is the experiment by running, after downloading can use.

回文诗指顺读和倒读都一样的字符串。Palindrome poem refers to the cis-read and read back the same string.

找出最大的回文数字,它们是由两个3位数字的乘积。Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers.

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请找出由两个三位数的积构成的最大回文数。Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers.

找出两个三位数乘积所能制造处的最大回文数。Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers.

要你寻找的最长的回文的文章是一个不超过20,000个字符的字符串。Find any largest palindrome in a string no more than 20,000 characters long.

回文诗是我国古典诗歌中一种较为独特的体裁。Palindrome poem is a unique literature type of the ancient poems of our country.

应该是,我加一点儿缩进好让我们能看到它。Palindrome 1 I'm going to give it a little indentation so that we can see this. OK.

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更多回文,包括回文短语和更好地重新发挥功能,现在。Now with more palindromes, including palindrome phrases and better re-play features.

由于结果可能会很大,因此将结果对1337取模。Since the result could be very large, you should return the largest palindrome mod 1337.

完成,数组时回文的,这就对了,因为数组1a1从前面和从后面读都是一样的。And one is the third element. And just return, it's done. It is a palindrome. That make sense.