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米勒太太的脸从窗口露出,面色憔悴,宛如鬼魂。Mrs. Miller's face appeared at the window, gaunt and ghostlike.

看到他这样一个癫狂的、鬼一般的形象,人们匆忙走开。People hurried along at the sight of the crazed, ghostlike figure.

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突然他抬头一看,屋里寂静得像是有幽灵一般。All at once he looked up. The room was so still it seemed ghostlike.

可怕的是,这种发展显然已经成为一种无法遏止的势态。The ghostlike character of this development lies in its apparently compulsory.

这种幽灵式发展的性格显然具有强制性。The ghostlike character of this development lies in its apparently compulsory trend.

它是相对于肉体的部分,一种像幻影般由纯能量构成的结构。It's the counterpart of the physical body. A ghostlike configuration made of pure energy.

有着繁冗雕刻的巴容庙位于在吴哥城的正中央,幽灵般的面孔围绕着寺庙窗口的两个穿藏红色袈裟的僧侣。Ghostlike faces surround two saffron-robed Buddhist monks in a window of the extravagantly carved Bayon, central temple of Angkor Thom.

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雪白的战马放慢了速度,由飞奔变为疾行,随后,这个陌生的精灵骑手以缓慢、幽灵般的步伐来到队列前部。The magnificent white horse slowed to a gallop, then a trot, and the unknown Elf rider moved to the front of the line at a slow, almost ghostlike pace.

上图中可见轻捏精灵般辐条,由旅行者号探测器首次发现,该探测器于1980年代初期曾飞临土星。Visible in the above image as light ghostlike impressions, spokes were first discovered by the Voyager spacecraft that buzzed by Saturn in the early 1980s.

问题其实在于,重力波与物质之间的交互作用非常微弱,所以重力波会像鬼魅似地穿过实际物体,而不像光子会把能量全部塞给它所撞上的物体。But unlike light, which deposits all its energy when it splats against matter, gravity passes ghostlike through solid objects with only a tingle of interaction.

有着繁冗雕刻的巴容庙位于在吴哥城的正中央,幽灵般的面孔围绕着寺庙窗口的两个穿藏红色袈裟的僧侣。Angkor Thom Monks, Cambodia, 1968 "Ghostlike faces surround two saffron-robed Buddhist monks in a window of the extravagantly carved Bayon, central temple of Angkor Thom."