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但最大的问题还是缺乏灵活性。But still the biggest problem is inflexibility.

这种方法的问题是它不够灵活。The problem with this approach is its inflexibility.

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某种程度的刚硬性能让你成为一个好的跑步运动员。Some degree of inflexibility may make you a better runner.

因此,欧元的僵化才是危机的核心,而并非财政赤字性支出。So the inflexibility of the euro, not deficit spending, lies at the heart of the crisis.

究其原因,这些不适应的症结可以归结为教师培训教材的设计问题。The inflexibility of materials may be caused by the defects of training materials design.

这种硬连接是导致企业体系结构中的僵化性和不灵活性的主要原因。This hard-wiring is the major cause of rigidity and inflexibility in enterprise architectures.

这两种物资之所以无效是因为它们并不适合居住,且单位造价高、运输不便、不够灵活。Both are ineffective because of their inappropriateness, high unit cost, transport problems, and inflexibility.

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作者借童年往事的回忆与叙写,表现了生命理想的美丽以及追寻理想的执著。By recalling her life in childhood. the writer shows the beauty of life and the inflexibility to pursue an ideal.

爆破工的厢房让一个有的原来构造两者的必要强度和不屈曲性而且仍然是轻的。Blaster's wing has an original construction which has both the needful strength and inflexibility and is still light.

其次,从本质上来说,这个问题的核心不在于中国的汇率,而在于中国汇率制度缺乏灵活性。Second, the heart of the issue is not China's exchange rate, per se, but the inflexibility of the exchange rate regime.

一个孩子可以惹出母亲的顽固或愤怒或依赖,同时另一个孩子又唤起母亲的保护和同情心理。One sibling can trigger a mother's inflexibility or anger or dependence, while another evokes protectiveness and empathy.

他在正统与传统、主流与边缘、现实与理想之间执著地思考。He thought a lot with inflexibility between legitimism and tradition, main stream and secondary aspects, reality and ideal.

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他的诗,便是他生命的拓片,可以从他的诗作品中看到他的血气、他的泪光、他的骨影、他的魂跃。His poems are the rubbings of his life, from which we can see his integrity, his suffering, his inflexibility and his soul.

这种游戏塑造成的以个人为中心的和僵硬的性格被看成是一种给社会带来的麻烦变化。The self-centeredness and inflexibility fostered by such games are interpreted as a sign of troublesome changes for society.

软环境的作用方式有直接和间接两种,对经济的影响可分为刚性和弹性两部分。The direct and the indirect are two modes of action of soft environment, respectively affecting economy in inflexibility and in elasticity.

“在这两项关于学习的逆向测验中,小鼠在两种不同环境下,都表现出缺乏行为调适能力,这让我们确实感到意外,”Takumi说。"We were honestly surprised to see behavioral inflexibility in two different reversal tests of learning and two different backgrounds," Takumi said.

如果没有组件,服务接口后端就没有灵活性可言,并可能要担心实现的可伸缩性和可移植性。Without components, there is inflexibility behind the service interfaces, with potential concerns about scalability and portability of implementation.

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由于传统应用程序体系结构的不灵活性,即使很小的改进也需要花费很大的成本,因而几乎不可能进行调整。The traditional inflexibility of application architectures makes even small improvements so expensive that they become virtually impossible to justify.

思想政治工作是一门有内在规律的科学,如何在实际工作中把握好“硬性”与“弹性”的尺度非常重要。Ideological political work is a science of having its inherent laws, so it is very important how to seize the standard of "inflexibility" and "flexibility".

说谎是儿童用来对抗母亲固执的共同策略,是儿女用它在不必与母亲吵架而保留真正自我的一种方法。Lying is a common strategy children invoke to resist maternal inflexibility. They see it as a way of preserving their real self, without engaging in useless fights.