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一个巨大的天坑导致24号州际公路长达17英里的地段被关闭。A giant sinkhole has closed a 17-mile stretch of Interstate 24.

这个塌方的污水池是由于雨水和地下污水流动造成的。The sinkhole was caused by rains and an underground sewageflow.

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这个塌方是大雨与下水道塌陷造成的。The sinkhole was caused by rains and an underground sewage flow.

容我们说,漠不关心的污水沟在两者之间。The, shall we say, sinkhole of indifference is between those two.

蓝色巨洞是伯利兹海面下的深穴。The Great Blue Hole is an underwater sinkhole off the coast of Belize.

弗罗里达州的工作人员开始清理巨大污水坑中的房屋遗骸。Crews have begun razzing the Florida home perched over a huge sinkhole.

另一类湖泊是灰岩坑湖,在石灰岩中形成。Another kind of lake is the sinkhole lake, which is formed in limestone.

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这些是今年早些时候在危地马拉的Sinkhole洞拍的照片。These photos are of a sinkhole that occurred early this year in Guatemala.

这船不能动了,长官。维加的人正准备炸出一个坑来。The ship is immobilized, sir. Vega's man are ready to blow down a sinkhole.

当地官员及地质学家仍在调查此次地陷发生的原因。Local authorities and geologists are still investigating what caused the sinkhole.

工程师和救援人员抵达了佛罗里达州泽夫纳出现“天坑”的地点。Engineers and rescue workers arrived at the site of a sinkhole in Seffner, Florida.

好吧,如果你们俩有谁过得了前面这个坑,树懒就归你们。OK, if either of you make it across that sinkhole in front of ya, you get the sloth.

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欧比旺翻身跳上坐垫,随即波佳纵身一跃,便落到了溶洞的边缘。Obi-Wan sprang to the saddle, and Boga leapt to the sinkhole 's rim in a single bound.

6月,危地马拉一个相当于30层楼高的天坑吞噬了一栋三层楼高的建筑。The 30-story-deep sinkhole in Guatemala that swallowed a three-story building in June.

一名护卫员期待5月30日于2010年在危地马拉城的一大陷穴的边缘。A security guard looks at the edge of a massive sinkhole in Guatemala City on May 30, 2010.

在田纳西州,一个巨大的天坑突然使某段州际公路下陷,消失于视野。In Tennessee, a massive sinkhole suddenly dropped a stretch of interstate road out of sight.

2002年,该女性遗骸在加勒比海度假胜地图卢姆的一个石灰岩洞被潜水者发现。The female was found by divers in the sinkhole cave near the Caribbean resort of Tulum in 2002.

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湖南烈士公园烈士纪念塔东侧楼梯旁边的草丛里塌陷出现巨大的圆坑。The round sinkhole appeared besides the bush on east side of the memorial in Hunan Martyrs Park.

陷穴的边缘站满了警察和士兵,他们防止好奇的人们站的离洞口太近。Police and soldiers stood guard around the sinkhole to prevent the curious from getting too close.

几天前,一个大陷坑吞噬了该县一个小学的整个操场。Days earlier, a giant sinkhole swallowed up the entire playground of a primary school in the county.