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幸亏我们没有误车。Fortunately we didn't miss the bus.

幸亏它被隐藏起来了。It was fortunately hidden from view.

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幸未成灾。Fortunately it didn't cause a disaster.

还好她的继父是个很好的人.Fortunately the stepfather is a kind man.

幸好我从她的指缝里溜掉了。Fortunately I slipped through her fingers.

幸亏乘警帮忙找到了小朵。Fortunately marshals to help find a small duo.

或许他应该说,幸好是短暂的。Perhaps he should have said fortunately short.

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幸好我避开了罪犯的匕首。Fortunately I warded off the criminal's dagger.

幸亏在我们动身前雨停了。Fortunately the rain stopped before we started.

这一招果然有效,不一会小偷就吓跑了。Fortunately it worked. The thief was scared away.

幸运的是,我们很容易避免眼疲劳。Fortunately it's pretty easy to avoid eye strain.

幸运的是他们及时躲进了一个山洞。Fortunately they hid themselves in a cave in time.

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幸运的是,至少有两种方法可以做到这一点。Fortunately you have at least two ways to do this.

杀人烟雾不经常发生。Killer smogs don't happen very often, fortunately.

时间比较紧,我就不说规则了。Now fortunately this time, it's not speaking role.

幸运的是我留意了车号,它是AC864。Fortunately I noticed the car number. It was AC864.

很幸运我们在正确的时间首开纪录。Fortunately we got the first goal at the right time.

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幸好他们有十几个冰窖。人人都有得住。Fortunately they had a dozen ice cells. Room for all.

未由交通警幸运地罚款。Has not been fined fortunately by the traffic police.

所以,我只好爬上篱笆,还好没人打中。So I went on the fence but fortunately no-one hit me.