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张家界希望能利用这棵摇钱树。Zhangjiajie hopes to capitalise on that fame.

一些公司已经准备利用这种新的情绪。Some firms are already trying to capitalise on this new mood.

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那么,从这个意义上你是可以说,生态保护主义者利用了熊猫的吸引力。So in that sense, yes you could argue that conservationists capitalise on the panda's appeal.

其次,菲润巴赫使集团更加国际化,以利用欧洲以外的增长机遇。Second, he has made the group more international to capitalise on growth opportunities outside Europe.

阿斯顿维拉赶赴西汉姆并希望能够借助埃弗顿的任何失误机会去告终夺取第五名的目标。Aston Villa travel to West Ham hoping to capitalise on any slip-up from Everton to finish in fifth spot.

例如,它并没有将在银行长期存款账户里面的款项用于“社会投资银行”的资本化项目中。For instance, it did not use money in long-dormant bank accounts to capitalise a “social investment bank”.

该公司希望能充分利用这个新兴市场与它的新透镜状工作流程配置打印机。The company hopes to capitalise on this burgeoning market with its new lenticular workflow targeting printers.

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在本拉登死后,反恐官员希望利用他留下的权力真空。Since bin Laden's death, counterterrorism officials have hoped to capitalise on al-Qaida's unsettled leadership.

英格兰队正在进入良好的状态,只是缺少最后干净利落的进球,或者真正移动到罚球区加以利用。England were getting into good positions but lacked the crisp final ball, or indeed the movement in the box, to capitalise.

除了发展上述基建工程外,当局还经常检讨香港的旅游产品,以配合最新的旅游趋势。To underpin these infrastructure projects, the Hong Kong product is constantly reviewed to capitalise on the latest trends.

这个计划还处于论证阶段,印度人拥有语言和技术上的优势,我们想通过这个中心利用那些优势。Indians have language advantage as well as technology, that is what we want to capitalise on through this centre, " Liqun said."

我们创造了很好的射门机会,但没能利用机会得分,因为场地实在很糟糕,莱万特的防守也很凶猛。We had great chances to score and we failed to capitalise on them because the pitch was in bad shape and Levante defended fiercely.

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还有一些事同样倒胃口。某些政客把这次灾难当做资本,来推进他们的支持或反对克里姆林宫的活动。Equally unpalatable were the attempts by some politicians to capitalise on the tragedy to advance their own pro- or anti-Kremlin agendas.

本集团位于铜锣湾区黄金地段的写字楼物业组合,亦有优越条件受惠于租户从中环外移的趋势。Our office portfolio, located in prime Causeway Bay, is well positioned to capitalise on increased relocation activities away from Central.

纯粹法学派创始人凯尔森的法律思想形成于两次世界大战之间,是西方资本主义社会各种矛盾激化的产物。As the result of acuteness of the social conflict in Western capitalise countries, Kelsons legal thought developed between the two world wars.

至少通过选择更多实物支付票据,即将所欠利息转化为资本,银行或许能够尽可能减少就所放弃利息支付进行的拨备。At least by opting for more PIK notes, that capitalise interest owing, banks may be able to minimise provisions on interest payments foregone.

埃及旅游业界有望从这一展览中获益,游客被吸引到卢克索的原因在于他们能在这里看到其它地方没有的东西。The Egyptian tourism industry is hoping to capitalise on the interest and draw tourists to Luxor to see something they couldn't find elsewhere.

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如果市场从目前的萎靡状态反弹,银行和经纪公司将热衷于利用全球风险兴趣回升的特点。When the markets rebound from their current malaise, banks and brokers will be eager to capitalise on the return of the world's appetite for risk.

如果政府只知道把风险社会化,而不允许更多的人从金融行业的回报中受益,我们不能接受。It is not acceptable for the government to socialise the risk without allowing the wider society to capitalise on the rewards in the finance industry.

要想打好网球,就要经过训练,你要训练发球、反手球,并要充分发挥自己的优势。To play a great game of tennis you’ll need to practice, you’ll need to work on your serve or backhand and you’ll need to capitalise on your strengths.