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石瀑!Stone waterfall.

你去过黄果树瀑布吗?Have you seen the waterfall?

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一条壮观的瀑布,落差50米。A beautiful 50-meter waterfall.

在瀑布下洗次澡。Take a shower under a waterfall.

需要长途跋涉才能来到冰瀑的底端。I hike to the base of a waterfall.

阳光如瀑布般倾泻。Sunshine pours down like waterfall.

瀑布冲磨掉岩石。The waterfall rasped away the rock.

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瀑布冲刷着檐口。The waterfall splashed over the eaves.

在瀑布下游有一座桥。There is a bridge below the waterfall.

一处瀑布一个潭,美!What a beautiful waterfall and a pond!

山涧瀑布飞溅,百鸟啾鸣。Creek waterfall splashed Jiu birds sing.

扎嘎瀑布就是指白色的瀑布。Zhaga Waterfall means a white waterfall.

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瀑布是机械能。mgh A waterfall is mechanical energy, mgh.

我们在一挂瀑布或一泓湖水的背面写字We write on the back of a waterfall or lake

那里的千层岩瀑布很漂亮。The Qiancengyan waterfall is very beautiful.

一会儿我们就要去看扎嘎瀑布。In a moment, we'll go to see Zhaga Waterfall.

而瀑布也似乎分外的。向了。The waterfall seemed unusually clamorous too.

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镇上有个很漂亮的瀑布。There's a beautiful waterfall in Bad Gastein.

翠竹环绕,瀑布飞泻。Skirting green bamboos and cascading waterfall.

瀑布飞流直下到山脚。Waterfall flows down to the bottom of the hill.