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至于第三嘛,就得数小圆桌上的那块“桌布”了。As to the 3rd, have to count roundlet desk to go up that " antependium ".

暗红色的墙与铺在木质桌面上的深紫色桌布。The wall of wine and shop are in the modena antependium on woodiness desktop.

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她说以前在南京家里的窗帘和桌布都是她自己绣的。She says antependium is herself embroider to the curtain in Nanjing home is mixed before.

墙壁、天花板、窗帘、家具、床罩、桌布和其他陈列品的色彩,应协调、和谐。The colour of wall, ceiling, curtain, furniture, bedspread, antependium and other exhibit, should harmonious, harmonious.

同时正在经营各类绣花纺织成品服装布料、窗帘台桌布装饰布等。At the same time is manages all kinds of textile finished garments fabric, embroidered cloth curtain antependium machine etc.

一块出色的桌布不仅可展现主人独特的美学与艺术品位,更能让用餐者食欲大增。An outstanding antependium can show master and distinctive aesthetic and artistic grade not only, can let diner appetite soar more.

在赋予设计化的帷幔和窗帘的组合下,餐厅呈现出了正式场合的庄严。In entrusts with the design antependium and under window blind's combination, the dining room presented the official situation dignity.

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客厅的窗前做了一个形似帷幔的拱门,简洁而又不失庄重感。Before the living room window, made one to take the form of antependium 's arched entrance, succinct and did not lose the grave feeling.

灵动的光线行过床沿,停留在如纱的帷幔上,轻轻摇荡出最清脆的声响,深印在私密的两人世界里。The smart rays walk at the side of bed, staying around the white antependium with the clean voice, which can print deeply in private fields of the couple.

在醒目之处采用亮眼的窗帘布幔、床罩和桌布,使其与地板和墙壁间形成鲜明对比。The curtain cloth curtain of bright look, bedspread and antependium are used in marked place, make bright contrast is formed between its and floor and wall.

象阳光一般柔和的灯光,天然麻质的桌布,古朴含蓄的藤椅。Resemble the lamplight with general and downy sunshine, the antependium with natural qualitative hemp, the cany chair of reservation of of primitive simplicity.

卧室装饰应给人以温馨和舒适之感,窗帘、桌布、床上用品这些柔软的装饰布艺,往往是搭配时的一个重要手段。Bedroom adornment should be mixed with warmth to the person cozy feeling, curtain, antependium , bedding these soft vestee art, often be a when collocation important step.

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一套实木餐桌椅,看上去很豪华,铺上一条雪白的桌布,桌上放置一瓶鲜花,给人一种干净、大方、温馨的感觉。Desk and chair of eat of a real wood, look very luxurious, spread a white antependium , a bottle of flower is placed on the desk, give a person a kind of clean, easy, sweet sense.

或者干脆在桌面上披一块红色的桌布,地板上铺一块图案精致的红色织毯,能起到非常好的点缀效果。Flat perhaps in the antependium that a red wraps around on the desktop, the red with a delicate design is spread to knit blanket on the floor, can have first-rate ornament effect.

利用布艺也可以达到扩大空间的效果,而窗帘、桌布等色彩块的改变可以导致整个房间风格转向。Use cloth art to also can achieve the result that enlarges a space, and the change that waits for colour piece can bring about curtain, antependium whole room style changes direction.

窗帘帷幔往往最具柔情主义。轻柔的摇曳,渐渐而动的娇羞,优雅的配色似如歌的行板,浪漫温馨。Curtain antependium often has tender feelings principle most. Sway gently, slowly and the charming be ashamed that move, elegant match colors is like cantabile andante , romance is sweet.

窗帘、桌布、椅垫是一套的,桌布和椅垫是我巧手的婆婆用作窗帘时讨来的布头做的。Curtain, antependium, chair cushion is, the mother-in-law that antependium and chair cushion are my a dab hand uses as the leftover of cloth that come is denounced to do when the curtain.

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在沙发旁边的小边桌铺上一块红色棉布,再加上小块的玫瑰图案桌布,即突出玫瑰桌布的漂亮,在居室中也显得十分协调。The little margin desk by sofa spreads a gules cotton cloth, plus small rose design antependium , stress the beauty of rose antependium namely, also appear very harmonious in the bedroom.

而碎花桌布则很适合在温馨的家庭中使用,只要在餐桌上将碎花桌布随意铺开,别有一番风情。And broken beautiful antependium suits to be used in sweet family very much, want to break in mensal admiral beautiful antependium is rolled out at will only, do not have amorous feelings one time.