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此外,还有成就动机,结果动机等等。Besides, there is achievement motivation, resultative motivation and so on.

结果结构呈现出跨语言的类型学差异。Languages exhibit typologic variation in resultative construction formation.

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动结式”是指动词带表示结果的补语组成的句法结构。VRC is a syntax structure consists of a verb and its resultative complement.

表达致使是汉语动补复合词的重要特征。The conveyance of causativity is an important feature of Chinese resultative V-V compound.

文章随后探讨了结果性构式的语用特点。Next, the paper includes the pragmatic aspect of lexical semantic study in resultative constructions.

关系小句的概念在国内汉语学界是一个比较新的概念,相关的研究早已展开,主要是围绕“的”字结构进行的。The small clause approach has been adopted by a lot of scholars to analyze the Chinese resultative constructions.

汉语动补结构是现代汉语语法研究中最为热门的研究课题之一。The Chinese resultative construction is one of the most popular research topics in Chinese grammar in modern times.

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在下一章详细论述结果性构式中的动词语义分析和表征。Of course, the discussion will be mainly focused on the scope of semantics and structures of resultative constructions.

英语动结句的论元结构取决于动词事件和结构事件的次论元结构。The argument structures of English resultative sentences are determined by those of verbal subevent and constructional subevent.

在语义平面上,文章运用格理论,分析了名词在被动句中的格属问题,并指出受事格、施事格、工具格、结果格等是它们的主要格属。In pragmatical analysis e, we study the Nouns case, and refers to the Objective agentive instrumecal. resultative is their main case.

功能范畴假设能预测动结式的论元实现,并能方便地解释其句法行为和歧义现象。The FCH can not only predict argument realization in Resultative Constructions, but also explain their syntactic behaviors and ambiguities.

动结构式表达的是受事致使施事经历某种状态变化的构式义。The Resultative Construction expresses the semantics that the patient causes the agent to undergo some changes and achieve a certain state.

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动结式是句法派生的复合词,其句法核心是为动词选择论元的功能范畴。The resultative construction is a compound derived syntactically, so its head is the functional category which selects arguments for the verb.

本文通过实证调查发现,英语母语者在学习汉语结果补语句法特征和题元特征方面具有不同步现象。The paper reports on an empirical study investigating second language acquisition of Chinese resultative complements by Engish-speaking learners.

英语动结句的论元结构取决于动词事件和结构事件的次论元结构。The argument structures of English resultative sentences are determined by the argument structures of verbal subevent and constructional subevent.

本文探讨粤语中以动词性词素「-亲」为标志的遭损性使动结果谓词。This paper investigates a subtype of resultative predicate marked by the verbal particle-can in Cantonese and associated with adversative meaning.

笔者从体验角度详细分析动结事件结构的七种含义,并逐条论述其如何被语法化成对应句法构式。On the embodied analysis of seven implications of the resultative event structure, this paper expounds their grammaticalization of corresponding constructs one by one.

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文中以使成式的产生与特殊句式为例说明了法律用语对汉语历史语法学研究的重要价值。This thesis discusses the great values of law term for the history of Chinese grammar which based on the spring of forcing resultative complement and special syntax form.

主谓结构,偏正结构,动宾结构,动补结构都是依据合并原则,并结合所设定的具体参数得以形成的。The formation of subject-predicate, modification, verb-object and resultative phrase structures all comply with merge principle in combination with the specific parameters.

句尾表示结果的形容词或介词短语可作宾语补足语或主语补足语,或描述运动实体的终态,或描述运动的路径。The resultative AP or PP in the end position, which functions as object-or subject-complement, depicts either the end state of the entity in motion or the path of the motion.