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她穿着防水衣。She's wearing an anorak.

她头发烧焦了,带风帽的夹克也烧掉了。Her hair was singed and her anorak was burnt.

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电脑游戏是电脑迷的大爱。Computer games are the ultimate anorak pursuit.

我这件厚夹克今年冬天可帮了大忙了。My anorak had stood me in good stead this winter.

他的母亲给他缝制了一件棉猴儿。His mother quilted a cotton-padded anorak for him.

我正想买一件羽绒服呢。I was just thinking of buying a down-padded anorak.

提到舞曲,我朋友是个有点怪僻的人。My friend is a bit of an anorak when it comes to dance music.

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正在进行这项异想天开使命的插画家是一位戴眼镜、穿防水夹克、文静且不起眼的一般男子。The artist on this quixotic mission is a quiet, nondescript man with glasses and an anorak.

“你可能需要大约至少六个月的时间才会感觉好些,”阿诺罗科说。"Roughly, it's a minimum of six months before you even start to feel better, " says Anorak.

对于这个交通灯标示的想法被采纳,更加好地反映了当地以及那里的礼节。As for the idea of road crossings being adapted to reflect local mores and etiquette, Anorak approves.

你看这多情开花的归宿,皮猴家禽下配置一个雪花牛仔面貌是无与伦比的。You see this affectionate of blooming belong and fowl down anorak on allocation a snowflake jean such appearance is matchless.