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这种技术称为流水线。This is known as pipelining.

它还可以改进缓存和指令流水线。It also improves caching and instruction pipelining.

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在硬件级别中,通过使用流水线操作来完成这个任务。This is achieved through pipelining at the hardware level.

设计主要考虑了流水线操作和并行度处理。Pipelining and parallelism were main consideration of the design.

这种情况非常少见,并且大多数时候流水线都可以很好地工作。Such cases are rare, and most of the time pipelining works very well.

模调度是一类重要的软件流水调度算法。Modulo scheduling is a state-of-art scheme in the literature of software pipelining.

潍坊唯一一家专做药厂管道安装的高科技公司。Weifang only makes the pharmaceutical factory pipelining specially the high tech company.

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国内原油管道输送中加热炉炉管结焦常引起生产事故。In our pipelining of crude oil, accidents often arise due to coking around the coils of a heater.

作者认为,用管道输送改性后的江汉原油,在技术上是可行的,经济上是合理的。Pipelining the improved Jiang Han crude oil is not only feasible in technology, but rational in economy.

本文介绍的流水线技术是使用异步处理以提高性能的示例。The pipelining technique described above is an example of using asynchronous processing to enhance performance.

禁用管道意味着需要应答每个请求,在下一个请求发出前需要释放掉上一个请求所建立的连接。No pipelining means each request has to be answered and its connection freed up before the next request can be sent.

软件流水和循环展开是开发循环并行性的两种重要编译优化技术。Software pipelining and loop unroll are two kinds of important optimized compile technique to develop loop parallelism.

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介绍了鲁皖成品油管道的概况以及汽柴油顺序输送运行的情况。Introduced the general state of LuWan product oil pipeline and the operation of the batch pipelining of gasoline and diesel.

管道运输在发达的国家是五大交通运输工具之一,在交通运输中占有重要的地位。Pipelining is one of the five transportation means in developed countries, constituting a cetain position in transportation.

本文以解决这些问题为背景,利用超标量指令流水原理设计了一个数学规划模型。In order to solve these problems, a mathematical programming model was designed making use of principles of Superscalar Pipelining.

该方法完全兼容于IA-64体系结构,并支持寄存器旋转和软件流水等关键技术。This method is completely compatible with IA-64's architecture and supports some important technology such as register rotation and software pipelining.

根据黄青管道的实际输送工况,提出了蜡油安全输送工作应重视的问题。Some technology issues about safely pipelining the waxy crude oil is put forward based on the actual waxy crude oil pipelining condition of the pipeline.

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本文介绍了市政道路管线中非开挖施工技术的含义及非开挖技术的现状,并分析了该技术在城市管道铺设中的应用。This article introduced the meaning and the present situation of non-excavation construction technique and analyzed its application in the city pipelining.

软件流水是开发循环程序指令级并行性的技术,它通过并行执行连续的多个循环体来加快循环的执行速度。Software pipelining is a loop scheduling technique that extracts instruction level parallelism by overlapping the execution of several consecutive iterations.

通过研究粘弹性与热历史、剪切历史的关系,建立管道运行和停输期间含蜡原油胶凝特性的预测模型,以更加有效地指导管道的安全运行。From the point of pipelining safety, the prediction model of gel status represented by viscoelastic parameters should be developed during the pipeline operation and shutdown.