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我本质上是一个西方人。I am essentially a Westerner.

你可以告诉如此蠢的西方人的是。You can tell how stupide westerner are.

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正是这种文化视野和看法不同,而被西欧人误认为不文明。It is this outlook that strikes the Westerner as barbaric.

中国遍地是机会,即便你是个毫无技能的西方人。There's opportunity in China even if you're a Westerner with no skills.

“你的美元来到了蒙大纳州林肯市,”另一个西部人写道。"Your dollar bill made it to Lincoln, Montana, " wrote another Westerner.

但是西方人是怎么看待中国的黄历中的十二生肖呢?And how does a westerner see each of the 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac?

因为亨利·克莱的拒绝,门罗未能在内阁中添加一位出色的西方代表。Only Henry Clay's refusal kept Monroe from adding an outstanding Westerner.

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她曾这样说过,虽然她有着东方人的面孔,却有着一颗西方人的心。She said that although her face was oriental she was, at heart, a westerner.

第一个发现这些岛屿的是一个西方人,一个意大利的探险家在1524年发现的。The first westerner to discover these islands was an Italian explorer in 1524.

东方人更可能选一只红色的钢笔,而西方人经常选那只绿色的。Easterners are likelier to choose a red pen, while Westerner more often choose the green.

因此我对“西方人如何学着欣赏华语流行音乐”这个问题还是要一定发言权的。So I happen to know a thing or two about learning to appreciate Chinese pop as a westerner.

这是另一例中西方文化对笑的不同理解。This is another example in which the Chinese and the Westerner interpret a smile differently.

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歌手索非亚。卡尔格伦是第一位签约中国大陆录制专辑的西方歌手。Singer Sofia Kallgren is set to be the first westerner to record an album with a mainland label.

这是一个中国人常问的问题,而西方人却很难作答。This is an easy question for a Chinese to ask, but a Westerner might find it difficult to answer.

一位美国西部居民正在参观纽约。一天傍晚他正在马路边散步,被一名土匪拦劫。Westerner was visiting New York. Walking on a side street late one evening, he was held up by a bandit.

你们中国人觉得丑或美的不见得西方人或者非中国人也这么想。What you Chinese consider beautiful or ugly may not be viewed as the same by the Westerner or non-Chinese.

西方人在受到礼物的时候,一般要当着送礼人的面打开礼物包装,并对礼物表示赞赏。Upon receiving it, a Westerner usually would open the gift in front of the giver, and show admiration and awe.

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西方人通常靠东西南北认路,而中国人很多时候是靠记忆。Westerner tend to navigate by north, south, east and west. Chinese people seem to rely more on their memories.

一个典型的在中国生活的西方人都会发现,这里有很多让人痛苦的方面,但是我的中国朋友对此却适应的很好。My Chinese friends are okay with many aspects of life in China which a typical westerner would find distressing.

国内人以为我们在国外都有一些西人朋友,其实不然,与西人较深层次地交往,除了语言的差异,更重要的是文化的隔阂。The domestic person thought that we in overseas certainly have some westerner friends. But in fact it is not so.