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雷恩镇居民大约8500人。Rennes town of about 8,500 residents.

马龙知道关于里奈已经有了几百本书。Malone knew that hundreds of books existed on Rennes.

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我所知道的是,里奈的居民热爱他们的教堂。All I know is that the people of Rennes love their church.

利物浦下决心引进雷恩队的中场队员雅恩·姆维拉。Liverpool are determined to land Rennes midfielder Yann M'Vila.

利物浦已经确认法国后卫克里斯·马文加完成了到法甲雷恩队的转会。Liverpool have confirmed Chris Mavinga has completed a transfer to Rennes.

温格还将继续他对21岁的雷恩防守中场姆维拉的兴趣。Wenger will also renew his interest in Rennes defensive midfielder Yann M'Villa, 21.

维根竞技免费签约了雷恩后卫马里奥。梅尔奇奥特。Wigan Athletic have sealed the signing of Rennes defender Mario Melchiot on a free transfer.

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据报道,利物浦看上了法甲雷恩队的牛逼飞翼马尔沃。Liverpool are reported to be lining up a move for highly-rated Rennes winger Sylvain Marveaux.

另一方面,利物浦的转会目标雷纳斯的马维奥斯为俱乐部打了最后一场的比赛。Liverpool target Sylvain Marveaux is now thought to have played his last game for French club Rennes.

这位前雷恩门将认为,球队要获胜,进攻和防守都应同样出色。The former rennes custodian believes winning sides need the ability to attack and defend equally well.

所有的谬说都在五十年代由里奈的一个旅店老板传播,希望能催生更多生意。Most of the fallacies were started in the fifties by a Rennes innkeeper who wanted to generate business.

法蒂同时也在被切尔西追逐,他可以转会到尤文,届时他与雷恩的合同将到期。Faty was also being tracked by Chelsea and can move to Juve in June when his current Rennes deal expires.

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雷恩中场希尔万·马维奥克斯宣称他已经“很接近”在下赛季为利物浦效力的合同上签字了。Rennes midfielder Sylvain Marveaux claims he is 'very close' to agreeing a deal to join Liverpool next season.

“我在雷恩过得很好,而且我认为在我转会前,在这里再踢一年对我会有好处。”伊萨克松说。"I really enjoyed myself at Rennes and believe that it is good for me to play another year here before moving on, " said Isaksson.

法国建筑摄影斯特凡沙尔莫与我们分享的雷恩都城博物馆由法国建筑师几内亚等波廷。French architectural photographer Stéphane Chalmeau shared with us the Rennes Metropole Museum by french architects Guinée et Potin.

勒芒在几天前的法联杯中令人难以置信的在点球大战中击败了甲级队雷恩,但我认为这仅仅是他们的“回光返照”。Le Mans did incredibly well to beat Rennes in the midweek cup on penalties, but I think this will be the 'come down' match for them.

同时米兰也在为其他位置在努力,雷恩中场球员古尔库夫证实他正在和米兰俱乐部谈判。Meanwhile, Milan are already working on the rest of the squad, as Rennes midfielder Yoann Gourcuff has confirmed he's in talks with the side.

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她足够的关心他而让他做他想要做的,而这个结果今天就让每天来这里的几千游客所看到。She cared for him enough to let him be what he needed to be, and that result is being seen today by the thousands who come to Rennes each year.

同时,阿森纳已经尝试报价雷恩的姆维拉,此人将能够给枪手中场带来足够火力。Meanwhile, Arsenal have also been credited with a bid for Rennes enforcer Yann M'Vila, would would bring a combative edge to the Gunners' midfield.

捷克国脚自2004年从雷恩加盟后,在切尔西效力已经四个赛季了。他的新合同将持续到2013年。The Czech international has been at Chelsea FC for four seasons having arrived in the summer of 2004 from Rennes. His new deal will take him to 2013.