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新的弹性同样放松了社会的边界。That new unfixed social boundaries as well.

但一些民主的缺陷却没有得到弥补。But several democratic flaws were left unfixed.

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死是懦弱.还是解脱痛苦?It is cowardly to death. Unfixed still and painful?

他们的新发现动摇了一切固有观念。Their new discovery unfixed all established notions.

我自己对不固定的生活方式也没有一个完善的方案。I’m not sure what the perfect solution for an unfixed lifestyle is.

所有期限不确定的合同将被视为一天。All unfixed period of time of a contract shall be deemed as one day.

除了自杀还有什么更好的解脱方式?。The unfixed kind with better what to still have besides the suicide?

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这一概念的实施进程,导致其成为不固定。This process of implementing the concept has resulted in it becoming unfixed.

当事人未采用书面形式的,视为不定期租赁。If the parties do not conclude it in written form, it shall be deemed an unfixed lease.

所以要维持一个不固定的生活方式,我的方法是永远设定好下一个冒险。My strategy for staying unfixed is to always have ideas for the next venture or adventure.

你要么向船内装入足够的装备以及补给,要么看着战舰逐渐损坏,舰上人员接连地饿死。Stock up on equipment and supplies or watch your ship go unfixed and your personnel die of hunger.

他们容易发现因为,不固定,他们防止甚而基本的功能在产品。They are easy to discover because, unfixed , they prevent even basic functionality in the product.

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藏传佛教中,常以雌雄一对金鱼象征解脱的境地,又象征着复苏、永生、再生等意。In Tibetan Buddhism, a pair of male and female fished signify an unfixed realm, rebirth and eternity.

而不固定的生活方式则能给你这个机动性。An unfixed lifestyle gives you the flexibility to switch between vertical and lateral every few years.

同时用变位置的CRC校验算法来判别文件是否被修改并实现对被修改文件的自我恢复。Further more Depending on CRC check in unfixed position, PE file judes and recover itself if modified.

无固定组病理表现类似剥脱性骨软骨炎。For the unfixed group, The pathological changes were similar to the changes of osteochondritis dissecans.

非固定混合比混合脏污气体流量的在线检测是工业流量测量中的难点。The on-line flow detection of unfixed component compounding gas is difficult in industrial flow detection.

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留着损坏了的东西而不把它修好,可能就是你生活中产生坏事和没有解决好问题的象征。Items that are left broken and unfixed may be symbolic of "broken" things or unsolved problems in your life.

该模型考虑到了非定长缓冲区和所存储数据的分布等情况对评估的影响程度。In this model, the effect of an unfixed length buffer and the distribution of the storing data are discussed.

也就是说泄漏的下水管道长期得不到维护,为这种天坑的形成创造了先决条件。That means leaking pipes could have gone unfixed long enough to create the right conditions for the sinkhole.