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骨头的主要成分是磷酸钙。Its major constituent is calcium phosphate.

是塔塔酱与酸辣酱的主要成分。Constituent of tartar sauce and many chutneys.

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为什么要从句子成分学起?Why should we start from the sentence constituent?

甘油是所有脂肪和磷脂的组成部分。Glycerol is a constituent of all fats and phospholipids.

药物活性成分优选格列齐特。The preferred medicine active constituent is gliclazide.

准时是优良品格的一个重要成分。Punctuality is an important constituent of good character.

给出了倒闸装置的硬件原理框图及主要硬件构成。The major constituent hardware of the devices is detailed.

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财富观是价值观的重要组成部分。The wealth view is the important constituent of the values.

人性论是儒家思想的重要组成部分。Human nature is an important constituent of the Confucianism.

尼泊尔制宪会议目前共594席。Nepal Constituent Assembly is currently a total of 594 seats.

面粉,水,盐和酵粉是面包的。Flour, liquid, salt, and yeast are constituent parts of bread.

那化学药物经加热后便分解成其组成的成分。The chemical dissolves into its constituent parts when heated.

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那个数,我不需要知道,另一个组分是什么。That number, I don't need to know what the other constituent is.

目的分离牛心朴子草中的活性成分。OBJECTIVE To separate active constituent from Cynanchum Komarovii.

目的筛选鳖甲抗肝纤维化的活性组分。Objective To screen the active constituent from Carapax Trionycis.

三种综合咖啡呈现出成分和烘培度的差异。These blends vary both in constituent coffees and roast intonation.

冰片作为常用的中药,是多种中成药的有效成分之一。Borneol is an effective constituent in lots of active Chinese drugs.

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谬误论是墨家逻辑的重要组成部分。Fallacy theory is an important constituent of Mohist school's logic.

一条线索来自于主盘内恒星的金属丰度。One clue comes from the metallicity of the disc’s constituent stars.

第五章中,我们想探讨的是汉语中与介词相关的语序问题。Chapter five may shows the constituent order related to prepositions.