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你听那群猴子唧唧喳喳的叫声。Listen to the jabber of those monkeys.

听那些猴子在吱吱喳喳地叫。Listen to the jabber of those monkeys.

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他开始抗议,唠叨不休地说他有进来的权力。He began to protes, to jabber of his right of entry.

他开始抗议,唠叨不休地说他有进来的权力。He began to protest, to jabber of his right of entry.

为此构建和部署了Jabber服务器Jabber servers are built and deployed to do this stuff.

楼道里、食堂里、澡堂子里都是磨嘴皮子的好去处。In corridor, in the dining room, bathhouse child in the good place that is jabber.

随便你怎么说好了,30秒之后,我那些天堂陨落的合伙人就会加入我们的。Jabber all you want in about 30 seconds my associates from paradis falls will join us.

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某天,我还在暖暖的被窝的时候,被一阵吱吱喳喳的声音吵醒。One day, I was still a time when the warm blanket, was awakened by the sound burst jabber.

那衣柜底肯定是养着一群老鼠,在吱吱喳喳地吃着L摆在桌下的板栗。That closet is certainly at the end of Pan raises a group of rats ate in the jabber L placed under the table in chestnut.

新的环境,新的生活,让他们沉浸在刚开学的新奇中,像只只兴奋的百灵鸟,不停地吱吱喳喳。New environment, new life, so that they immersed in Gang Kaixue novelty, the excitement just like a lark, constantly jabber.

是生活真实的体验把我带到这片森林来,直接面对大自然,没有电器的唧唧喳喳声和闲聊声以及其它一切的干预。What brought me to the woods was the prospect of living on earth with nothing between me and the earth—none of the electronic gibber- jabber.

手机肘是医生们再三听到的一个新的健康陈诉的名称,每天叽里咕噜地在手机上与朋友,家人和同事说个不停。Cell phone elbow is the name of a new health complaint heard repeatedly by doctors from people who jabber daily on their phones to friends, family and work colleagues.