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你和布莱斯·洛斯奇发生什么事了?What's going on with you and Bryce Loski?

这是印第安人讲的有关布赖斯峡谷派尤特印第安人的神话。Indian legend of Bryce Canyon as told by Indian Dick.

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这是印第安人讲的有关布赖斯峡谷派尤特印第安人的神话。The Paiute Indian legend of Bryce Canyon as told by Indian Dick.

她从未想到布赖斯会放弃在得州理工大学的工作。She'd never dreamed Bryce would give up his career at Texas Tech.

布莱斯峡谷国家公园比邻近的宰恩国家公园与大峡谷处于更高海拔。Bryce is at a much higher elevation than nearby Zion National Park and the Grand Canyon.

前面说了,布莱斯是年级最红的男生了,所以剩下的男孩子只好在人气排行榜上争夺剩余的排名了。Like I said, Bryce is the most popular kid in our grade, so that leaves the rest of us guys scrambling for the other spots.

前面说了,布莱斯是年级最红的男生,所以剩下来的男生只好在人气排行榜上争剩余的排名了。Like I said, Bryce is the most popular kid in our grade, so that leaves all the rest of us guys scrabling for the other spots.

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没想到,到了八年级,布莱斯开始觉得朱莉不同寻常的兴趣和对于家庭的自豪感使她显得很有魅力。Then, in eighth grade, everything changes. Bryce begins to see that Juli's unusual interests and pride in her family are, well, kind of cool.

在布莱斯峡谷,攀登陡峭的悬崖壁下京河,管件,并呼吁美丽和奇异的石林称为岩石尖塔成千上万的目光。In Bryce Canyon, climb sheer cliff walls, tube down the Virgin River, and gaze upon thousands of beautiful and bizarre rock spires known as hoodoos.

这位未来首相的父亲约翰•埃比尼泽•布朗过去是个苏格兰教会的传道人,也是克科底镇首屈一指的教堂圣布莱斯教会的牧师。The future prime minister's father, John Ebenezer Brown, was a Church of Scotland minister and the pastor of St. Bryce Kirk, Kirkcaldy's leading church.

然而,直到小学毕业,布莱斯都对朱莉没有任何好感,他厌倦了朱莉对自己的纠缠,试图用各种方法摆脱朱莉。However, until the elementary school graduation, bryce are no good to Julie, he got tired of Julie to entwine, trying to use all kinds of ways to avoid Julie.

不莱斯约翰逊,环境工程师,负责协调“科学为和尚“的项目。Science may be far advanced in the West, but a moral vacuum exists, said Bryce Johnson, an environmental engineer who coordinates the Science for Monks program.

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暮春四月,布莱斯峡谷的山脉依然有着如冠覆顶的积雪。历经百万年之久的漫长、巨大的地壳变动而产生的持续、缓慢的向上拥积,才形成了如今的峡谷地貌。In mid-April, snow still caps the mountains surrounding Bryce Canyon. Over millions of years, the canyon floor has been slowly pushed upward by great forces below the earth.

仪式在澳大利亚总督白莱斯的监督下,在堪培拉礼宾府举行。总督代表着国家元首伊丽莎白女王二世。Australian Governor-General Quentin Bryce oversaw the swearing-in ceremony at Government House in Canberra. The governor-general represents Queen Elizabeth II as head of state.

是昆士兰州的州长,是当地的唯一的女性律师,同时是性别歧视委员会的委员也主张人权。Ms. Bryce was governor of the state of Queensland, and one of its first female barristers . She's also been a federal sex discrimination commissioner and human rights advocate.

对派尤特人来说,布赖斯峡谷是这么回事,而对现在以其名字命名这片峡谷不毛之地的拓荒者---摩门教徒埃比尼泽布赖斯来说,这里只不过是“丢失母牛的活地狱”。To the Paiutes, Bryce Canyon was one thing. But to Mormon pioneer Ebenezer Bryce, the badlands of the Canyon that now bears his name were simply"a helluva4 place to lose a cow."

澳大利亚总理陆克文13日任命昆士兰州总督昆廷·布莱斯为该国下一任总督,即英女王在该国的首位女代表。Australian PM Kevin Rudd Sunday named Queensland Governor Quentin Bryce as Australia's next governor-general, the first woman to act as the British Queen's representative in the country.

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朱莉对布莱斯依旧热情——她把自己养鸡下的蛋亲自送给布莱斯,她主动邀请布莱斯与她一起坐在等校车处的高大的梧桐树上看风景。Julie to bryce still warm-she had her chickens for eggs personally bryce, she invites bryce and she sat together on the school bus place such as the tall trees on to look at the scenery.