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打破禁忌的反应是明确的。The taboo-breaking response was unequivocal.

按我的意见,答案毫不含糊,是肯定的。In my opinion the answer is an unequivocal “yes”.

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我们这一立场是一贯的、明确的。Our position has been consistent and unequivocal.

从侧面观看的他的顾问们一点也不含糊。His advisers, watching from the wings, were unequivocal.

其实,本内特受到的批评相当严厉而且毫不含糊。Indeed, Bennett's critics have been harshand unequivocal.

多数北京人会毫不含糊地选择“先买车”。Peking man will most unequivocal choice of a "first car."

我们必须从英国取得无歧异的再确认。We must secure from the British unequivocal reaffirmation.

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我们选择大号尺幅是因为其毫不含糊的冲击力。We are for the large shape because it has the impact of the unequivocal.

“李娜在法国网球公开赛的历史性胜利明白无误地证明,西方世界已经放弃了弹压中国的努力”。Li Na's historic win at French Open is unequivocal proof that the West has given up keeping China down.

扩大发展核能得到了奥巴马总统明确的支持,两党国会议员也对此显示出少见的一致支持。Nuclear energy expansion has won unequivocal support from President Obama and rare bipartisan backing from legislators.

官方的说法显然还不够有说服力。上周,“股神”沃伦·巴菲特斩钉截铁地说,不会有双谷衰退期。In less obtuse language last week, Warren Buffett stated in unequivocal terms that there will be no double dip recession.

不过相比起过去他对提供全方位服务的一站式银行业务模式毫无保留的支持,罗纳的口气出现了变化。But he changed his tone from past, unequivocal support for a supermarket-style bank that offers a range of services. Tuesday, Mr.

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下一年的的控制艺术是一个明确的触发器,和弗兰普顿从音乐业务退了好几年。The following year's The Art of Control was an unequivocal flop, and Frampton retreated from the music business for several years.

上周五在梅尔伍德基地召开的发布会上,肯尼达格利什肯定了夏季转会成绩,而达米安科莫利更是认为结果毋庸置疑。Kenny Dalglish was unequivocal as he held court at Melwood on Friday, while Damien Comolli insisted the matter was 'not even a debate'.

一胎政策实行了25年,也就是一代人,独生子女家庭几乎成为了中国的明确规范。With the single-child policy in place for 25 years – a generation – a one-child family has become almost the unequivocal norm in China.

关于你提到的韩美联合军演问题,上周我已经表明了我们的立场,这一立场是十分明确的。For the joint military exercise to be carried out by the US and the ROK, I made our position clear last week and the position is unequivocal.

后来又明确保证不对无核武器国家使用或威胁使用核武器。It has also pledged in an unequivocal manner thereafter that it will not use OR threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states.

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他提及一名喜剧诗人,没错,一名喜剧诗人,且是毫不含糊的,提及喜剧作家亚里斯多芬尼斯,我也有把他的名字写在黑板上。Reference he makes to a comic poet yes a comic poet an unequivocal reference to the playwright Aristophanes whose name I have put up on the board.

我们知道,很多棋手和欧洲主要国家的棋协都对国际棋联的做法表示了不满,我们想把我们的声音加入到这一抗议的浪潮中。Many players and European chess federations are critical of FIDE's recent actions and we hope to lend a powerful and unequivocal voice to this protest.

他们说,尽管有些地方因为区域气候和沿海径流的的不同而存在差异,但从长期角度来看,全球范围内的浮游生物减少趋势是“不容置疑”的。They said that although there were variations in some areas due to regional climate and coastal run-off, the long-term global decline was "unequivocal".