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炼金术的理论并不愚蠢。Alchemical theories were not stupid.

这是我们朝向光演化的炼金术进化过程。It is the process of our Alchemical evolution toward light.

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不过画作隐藏一秘传的、炼金的意义。The painting hides however an esoteric, alchemical meaning.

传说中炼金术的蝾螈围绕着蓝色水晶的精神之池。Fabled alchemical salamanders encircle the blue crystal spirit pool.

水银通常与炼金术中的凝结原理有关。Azoth is often associated with the alchemical principle of coagulation.

你越常做这练习,你的身体就会充满越多炼金术之光。The more you do this exercise, the more Alchemical light your body will hold.

炼金术士借助炼金术将硫酸固化成型。The alchemist conjures a manifestation of the alchemical principal of vitriol.

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我一直在帮助他找寻异国的法术原料以及鍊金术方面的书藉。I help him find exotic spell components and alchemical books from time to time.

有一段甚为有趣的炼金术文本是蔷薇哲理。One of the most interesting of the alchemical texts is the Rosarium philosophorum.

炼金术理论中满是和植物有关的类比,例如成熟,成长,播种等。Alchemical theory was rife with botanical analogies of ripening, growth and seeding.

像调和一些练金术的配方然后放在骷髅里扔出去,之后爆炸。Like concocting some alchemical recipe in a skull and hurling that, and it explodes.

语言有炼金术师的力量。当我们说话,我们就开始了一场炼金术的仪式。Words have alchemical power. When we speak, we are conducting an alchemical ceremony.

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西斯的炼金实验后来将马沙西人变成强大的黑暗战士。Sith alchemical experimentations further mutated the Massassi, turning them into dark side-wielding savages.

这种状态的追求引起了一连窜的道教身体炼金术和其他深奥教导与学问。The pursuit of this state gave rise to a vast body of Taoist alchemical and other esoteric techniques and lore.

今晚的演出将会以古代波斯,印度古典和自由爵士的方式完美呈现。Tonights performance will harness an alchemical presentation of Ancient Persian, Classical Indian and Free Jazz.

上层的迷濛色特质就是要将橄榄绿偷偷的隐藏起来,而这也是转化过程的一部份。The misty quality in the upper fraction, slightly disguising the olive is already part of the alchemical process.

它们由十二块翡翠绿玉片所组成,,通过炼金术变形产生的物质形成。They consist of twelve tablets of emerald green, formed from a substance created through alchemical transmutation.

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阿拉伯学者和炼金家,写了许多有关炼金理论的颇具影响的书籍,包括完美的冶炼产品。Arab scholar and alchemist who wrote a number of influential books of alchemical theory, including Summa Perfectionis.

认为在道教外丹派中,它是炼丹隐语“婴儿”指炼丹用的铅。The thesis maintains that "Yiner" is alchemical argots in Waidan School of Taoism and refers to "Yiner" as lead in alchemy.

这个意识炼金术的强大魔法,可以用“在下如在上,在外如在内”这个真理作为总结。The powerful magic of Alchemical Consciousness can be summed up with the truth of "As above so Below, As the Inner, So the Outer".