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他只是要把你洗脑罢了。He was trying to brainwash you.

他们会洗脑,教会你仇恨They brainwash and teach you hate.

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他们想法子给你洗脑了呢?And they had a way to brainwash you?

不能称之为洗脑。I mean, you can't really call it brainwash.

他们只是试图给我们洗脑或是询问我们。They just tried to brainwash us and to interrogate us.

他说我应该洗洗脑,需要复习复习学的知识。He said that I need brainwash and a brushup in my knowledge.

也许她被洗脑了,就像“公司”试图为他洗脑一样。Perhaps she was brainwashed the same way they just tried to brainwash him.

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他们会洗你的脑让你买些不实用的或不需要的东西。They will brainwash you to purchase those impracticable and no using thing.

政府在设法迫使人民相信战争是必要的。The government is trying to brainwash the people into thinking that a war is necessary.

别让电视广告引诱你购买自己实际不需要的东西.Don't let television commercials brainwash you into buying anything you actually don't need.

这就是为什么我从来不看广告,他们会洗你的脑让你买些不实用的或是不需要的东西!That's why I never watch adverts they brainwash you into buying things you don't need or want!

我们不用马克思主义给他们洗脑,亦不寻求捣腾出无神的不道德的蛮子军队。We didn't brainwash them with Marxism nor seek to churn out armies of godless immoral barbarians.

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你知道他们是怎样灌输的吗,他们对你一遍又一遍地重复,这就是我们国家的做法。Do you know how they brainwash people? They repeat something over and over. And that's what we do in this country.

电视上反复播放同样的广告,就是想通过反复宣传让消费者不自觉地购买。The repetition of the same commercials on televison is just trying to brainwash consumers into compulsive consumption.

电视上反复播放同样的广告,就是想通过反复宣传让消费者不自觉地购买。The repetition of the same commercials on television is just trying to brainwash consumers into compulsive consumption.

这些人利用刊物,来对世人进行腐化思想和洗脑的恶行,企图招徕更多的徒众,去制造更多的罪恶和恐怖事件。Some use publications to corrupt and brainwash people worldwide, hoping to attract more followers and commit more crimes and atrocities.

他警告说外国人正想统治利比亚并偷走它的财富,给利比亚移民“洗脑”然后把他们送回利比亚做特务。He has warned that foreigners seek to dominate Libya and steal its wealth, to "brainwash" Libyan émigrés and send them back as enemy agents.

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这是典型的被洗脑案例啊,我所说的这些建议只是希望在中国的外教尽量避免谈论核心的政治问题。Jason, that is a classic case of "brainwash. " It's because of such statements that I do suggest to teachers to avoid the topic of politics in China.

为了给人们洗脑,为了杀人,种族灭绝,一切都正在发生,这真是太荒谬了以至于你真的不想相信,他是其中的一部分。To brainwash people, to kill people, genocide, everything that goes on out here that's so fantastic you really don't want to believe it, he's a part of it.

达顿认为,社区和家长需要努力“阻遏对我们的年轻人进行洗脑的企图,并保持对这种威胁的警惕。”Dutton argues that communities and parents need to work to "disrupt attempts to brainwash our young people" and "remain vigilant against this type of threat. "