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我的出生地是苏州。My birthplace is SuZhou.

苏州人民路上的北寺塔。North Temple Pagoda in Suzhou.

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苏是苏州短名称。Su is the short name for Suzhou.

苏是苏州的简称。Su is the short name for Suzhou.

苏州园林值得游览。Suzhou Gardens are worth visiting.

为什么不去苏州乐园?Why not go to Suzhou Amusement land?

苏州霍普森精细化工有限公司Suzhou Hopesen Fine Chemical Co., Ltd.

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庄是来自苏州的马戏魔术师。Zhuang is a circus juggler from Suzhou.

你好,我是一个典型的苏州小市民家庭。Hello, I am a typical family man Suzhou.

苏州是核雕发源地。Suzhou is the birthplace of nut-carving.

那么我们苏州的园林也是甲天下的吧!Suzhou gardens we also a The world of it!

但是苏州园林那么多,不可能都看吧。But Suzhou garden so much, can't all look.

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我们到苏州首先是到寒山寺。We went to Suzhou first to Hanshan Temple.

在苏州火车站候车的人们。A crowd waits in a train station in Suzhou.

苏州今年冬天会下雪吗?Will here be snow-fall this year in Suzhou?

这是苏绣的代表作品。It's a typical product of Suzhou embroidery.

苏州园林建筑闻名于世。Suzhou is known for its garden architecture.

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从上海坐车到苏州有1小时的路程。It is one hour' ride from Shanghai to Suzhou.

苏州的酒店行业新闻有那些呢?Suzhou hotel industry news with those who do?

姑苏位于上海西面50英里处。Suzhou lies 50 miles to the west of Shanghai.