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过了一会儿,一位顶小的女孩子站了起来。And then a little girl arose.

烟从烟筒冒出来。Smoke arose from the chimney.

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我们在庙宇上面升得高高的。High we arose above the Temple.

以利亚就起身往撒勒法去。So he arose and went to Zarephath.

彼得就起身和他们同去。Then Peter arose and went with them.

祸起萧墙。Trouble arose within one's own doors.

说到这里,听众中响起了一阵嘘声。At that, hisses arose from the audience.

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让我举例说明对数从那里产生。Let me illustrate where logarithms arose.

他慢慢儿地-摇晃着-勉力撑起。With slow and staggering effort he arose.

玫瑰无论叫什么名字都是香的。Arose by any other name would smell as sweet.

他起来,发现了一块饼和一壶水。He arose and found a cake and a cruse of water.

她身材高挑,腰杆笔直,气质潇洒。She was tall straight and handsome as she arose.

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一缕轻烟从小屋上袅袅升起。A thin curl of smoke arose lazily from the cabin.

一缕薄烟懒洋洋地从小屋升起。A thin curl of smoke arose lazily from the cobin.

法律和传统也开始提倡控制捕鱼量。Laws and traditions also arose to control fishing.

此图所示的是壶腹部的腺癌。This adenocarcinoma arose in the ampulla of Vater.

从讨论中发生了一点不愉快。A slight unpleasantness arose from this discussion.

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一种深深的知足和感恩心油然生起。A deep feeling of contentment and appreciation arose.

接下来,便是他撕心裂肺的嚎叫声。A howl arose that would have rended almost any heart.

过了一会儿,从男孩的卧室里传出号啕大哭的声音。After a time, there arose a howl from the boy's room.