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教堂在海德堡是最常见的。Churchs are ubiquitous in Heidelberg.

钙是一种普遍存在的第二信使。Calcium is a ubiquitous second messenger.

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在植物界中液泡广泛存在。Vacuoles are ubiquitous in the plant kingdom.

泛在计算和更强大的计算机Ubiquitous computing and more-powerful computers

死亡是,死亡的可能性,是无处不在的。Death is--the possibility of death-is ubiquitous.

车辆跟驰是普遍存在的交通现象之一。Car-following is an ubiquitous traffic phenomenon.

走在大荣町,无处不见柯南的身影。Walking in the Daiei-cho, ubiquitous Conan figure.

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事实上,这种建议已经变得稀松平常了。Indeed, this advice has become a ubiquitous refrain.

反应扩散体系在自然界中是无处不在的。Reaction-diffusion systems are ubiquitous in nature.

大瓦斯线结焦是焦化装置普遍存在的一个问题。The coking of big gas-oil line is a ubiquitous problem.

大寡化现象反在儿同信做传布业外未普遍亡反在。Cluster is a ubiquitous phenomenon in mass media industry.

无处不携弦管,直应占断春光。Ubiquitous portable chord, straight off attributable spring.

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同时他们开始进集中性的广告轰炸策略。And they began very intensive ubiquitous advertising campaigns.

这类奇妙的分子是普遍存在的These are fascinating molecules that turn out to be ubiquitous.

真菌数量大、种类多、分布广。Fungi are magnanimous, many species and ubiquitous distribution.

稍后呈现的YJ可互助到处都有装备的ASB机载雷达利用。Later came the YJ for use with the ubiquitous ASB aircraft radar.

植物器官脱落是自然界普遍的现象。Organ abscission is a ubiquitous phenomenon in the plant kingdom.

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我们被无处不在的蚊子所困扰。We were plaqued throughout our travels by the ubiquitous mosquito.

但这也是在一个极强大和无处不在的国家做后盾。But this is combined with an extremely strong and ubiquitous state.

幸运的是,不育症的诊断和治疗是相当普遍的。Fortunately, infertility testing and treatment are ubiquitous today.