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我是亚当·纳维斯。I’m Adam Navis.

亚当吃了苹果。Adam ate the apple.

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亚当准备好了吗?Yeah, you ready, Adam?

嘉辉终于爆发了。Finally Adam burst out.

上帝为亚当注入生命God breathes into Adam.

我们应该把他叫做亚当。We should call him Adam.

或许亚当夏娃会替亚伯报仇。Perhaps Adam and Eve would.

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这使我想起了亚当和夏娃。It reminded me of Adam and Eve.

保卢斯和亚当很高兴的同意了。Paulus and Adam agree with joy.

这种想法从亚当和夏娃以来就开始了。It all started with Adam and Eve.

亚当•伯斯沃斯,Keas公司创始人兼CEOAdam Bosworth Founder and CEO, Keas

他是阿丹后裔中最优秀的。He is the best of the sons of Adam.

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我想,阿当·斯密很清楚地了解这一点。Adam Smith understood that very well.

亚侗·史密斯是镇上有名蹬鞋境。Adam Smith a famous shoemaker in town.

亚当的工作是要让它变得荣美,并加以保护。Adam was to beautify it and protect it.

亚当先生可用下面哪个仪器?Which device can be used by Encik Adam?

亚当被召来为红翅膀的乌鸫Adam was called in to name the Red-Winged

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其实我知道他为亚当而兴奋,甚至自豪。I know he's excited for Adam. Proud even.

于是亚当就相当于某种形式的机器人Adam is just a certain kind of robot then.

她身边站着经理亚当广缘。Standing next to her is manager Adam Leber.