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到20世纪末,发现和引领潮流的能力已经成为可供自我推销的技能。By the end of the 20th century, trend spotting and trendsetting were marketable skills.

现代竞选海报制作毫不费力,经检查过的标语,偶尔来点创新设计。The modern campaign poster is a slick thing, with message-tested taglines and occasionally trendsetting design.

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机器人技术是智能社会创新发展的风向标。Robotics is recognized as the trendsetting approach toward the innovation development of the intelligent society.

那么一种方法就是识别出这种创新风的客户,然后用优惠和打折来吸引他们留下来。The trick, then, is to identify such trendsetting subscribers and keep them on board with special discounts and promotions.

麦当劳也第一次在二月份举办的纽约时装周上向引领潮流的女性推销一款新的热饮。For the first time, McDonald’s was a sponsor of New York Fashion Week in February, promoting a new line of hot drinks to trendsetting women.

协调亚洲刚刚完成了最新的耐克跑步体验站项目,坐落于上海大时代广场前,亚洲顶尖时尚潮流的连卡佛商场所在地。COORDINATION ASIA just completed the newest running hubs for Nike at Shanghai's Times Square, home to Asia's trendsetting department store Lane Crawford.

本系列采用精简的样式,使用宝塔肩、创新编织等手法,设计短装成衣,反对最新的晨衣和燕尾服设计。The collection is based on Slim-fit forms, with pagoda shoulders, trendsetting braids, and with shorter garments as opposed to new morning coats and tail coats.

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小美人鱼在上海期间,她在兰盖尼耶的地方将由三个引领风潮的中国艺术家和他们对雕塑的诠释所暂居。While the Little Mermaid is in Shanghai, her place in Langelinie will be occupied by three trendsetting Chinese artists and their interpretation of the sculpture.

多色彩印刷技术的发展,使平民能够取得受欢迎歌舞伎演员或鼓动风潮之廷臣的木刻板画。The development of polychrome woodblock printing techniques made it possible for ordinary people to obtain prints of popular kabuki actors or trendsetting courtesans.

投资者对该创新倾向型公司的乐观态度也许还得益于董事会对苹果CEO史蒂夫·乔布斯所投的信心票。Investor optimism in the trendsetting company may have also been bolstered by a vote of confidence the board of directors gave Apple's chief executive officer, Steve·Jobs.

画面里母亲们如此清纯,笑得如此开怀,讲述故事的儿女们也因为生养她们的母亲曾经这么这么光彩夺目、这么时尚而颇感自豪。The mothers in these pictures look so happy and fresh, and the children telling the stories beam with pride at how gorgeous and trendsetting the women that birthed them once were.

在游戏中,你就是小妞,你的目标就是找到一份“有趣的工作来维持你的需要以及小妞可能需要的衣服”,然后“成为小镇上的时尚妞”。In the game, you’re Miss Bimbo, and your aim is to get a “fun job to pay for your needs and all the clothes a Bimbo could possibly want, ” and “become the trendsetting bimbo in town.”

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“HRD奖”的比赛目的是为了培养创造性的人才,扩展现代钻石首饰的限制,并将前卫的思想和独特的创作转换到潮流珠宝中。The HRD Awards 2011 competition aims to foster creative talent, extends the limits of modern diamond jewellery and translates avantgarde ideas and exclusive creations into trendsetting jewels.