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那是种歇斯底里悳微笑。That is one kind of hysteria smile.

对我来说,伟大的真理都与歇斯底里有关。For me the great truths are laced with hysteria.

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歇斯底里表明神经纤维过度活跃。Hysteria indicates overactivity of the nervous fibres.

托德的笑声里带了点歇斯底里的音调。A little note of hysteria crept into tonder's laughter.

从大的范围来说,美国没有出现情绪失控或者恐慌。In the country at large there is nothing of hysteria or panic.

正如所有虔诚的弗洛伊德信徒所了解的,歇斯底里是存在的。But as all good Freudians know, hysteria is the authentic thing.

激动和歇斯底里之间就一线之隔。There's a very thin dividing line between joviality and hysteria.

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甚至家乐氏公司都决定将猪流感编进神话和歇斯底里。Even Kellogg’s decided to feed into the swine flu myth and hysteria.

从唯心主义角度分析癔症病因,为揭示癔症形成提供新的思路。To explore the etiology of hysteria through the aspect of mentalism.

你能听到这歇斯底里的呐喊吗?And can you hear the sound of hysteria?The subliminal mindfuck America.

她们演说的歇斯底里仅仅是内容空虚的标志。The hysteria of their discourse is but a symptom of the emptiness within.

同时促进文化的警察国家的集体癔症在美国的大学。While promoting culture of police state mass hysteria at US universities.

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至少从1960年开始,人们就预见出癔病这个词的消失。The disappearance of hysteria has been heralded at least since the 1960's.

尽管他周围的人歇斯底里地惊慌失措,但他仍保持冷静。He remained imperturbable in spite of the hysteria and panic all around him.

精神因素和暗示作用是癔病发病的主要原因。Mental element and allusive action are the main reason that hysteria comes on.

历史上,香草用于治疗阳痿,溃疡,歇斯底里和皮疹。Historically, Vanilla was used to treat impotency, ulcers, hysteria and rashes.

歇斯底里患者发生在客厅,修女修道院的客厅,当然。什麽?Hysteria happens in the parlour, the parlour of nuns' convents, of course. What?!

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广大人民从容地应付着战争,既没有群情激奋,也没有歇斯底里。The mass of people took the war in stride, without emotional excitement or hysteria.

2010年9月,当美国甜甜圈在曼谷开业之时,结果几近是歇斯底里的。When Krispy Kreme opened in Bangkok in September 2010, the result was near hysteria.

隐匿性抑郁症患者病前有强迫性和癔病性格特征。Occult depressed patients before have compulsive and hysteria disease characteristics.