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四肢肌肉临时性“瘫痪”。Limb muscle provisionality " break down ".

多数病人有暂时性的行动不便。Most patient has the action inconvenience of provisionality.

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怎么样才能治好暂时性失忆症?How does ability cure provisionality is broken recall disease?

暂时性的窦房阻滞见于迷走神经张力增高。The sluggish of antrum room block of provisionality sees at vagus tension heighten.

化学消毒方法比较适合家庭餐具消毒或临时性的餐具消毒。Chemical disinfection method suits domestic dinner service to disinfect quite or the tableware of provisionality is disinfected.

一过性失眠,又称临时性失眠,是一种持续一段时间后可自行缓解的睡眠障碍。Cross sexual insomnia, call provisionality insomnia again, after one kind lasts for some time, can alleviate by oneselfMorpheusObstacle.

研究工作取得了阶段性进展,为后续全面开展环氧复合材料闪络机理研究奠定了基础。The above studies have made provisionality progress, providing the basis for deeper study on the flashover mechanism of epoxy composite.

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近年来艾滋病患者有进行骨髓移植者,但只能达到免疫状况暂时性改善。In recent years AIDS patient has the person that undertake medullary transplanting, but can achieve improvement of immune state provisionality only.

暂时性多尿见于饮水过多,或充血性心力衰竭,水肿病人应用利尿剂后。Many make water sees provisionality pass at watering much, or charge heart failure of courage and uprightness, after oedema patient applies diuretic.

使治疗部位神经末梢的髓鞘变性,从而暂时性中断感应传导,而彻底消除患者治疗痛苦。Make the pith scabbard that treats place nerve ending metamorphic, thereby provisionality interrupts an induction to conduct, and comb-out patient treats anguish.

暂时性脱毛是利用脱毛剂或脱毛蜡等将毛发暂时脱去,但不久还会长出新毛。Provisionality is depilated is to use depilate an agent or depilate candle to wait to shuck off hair temporarily, but return chairman to give new hair before long.

枕大神经出口处压痛,有放射痛,颈部皮肤对针刺敏感或迟钝,牵引颈部疼痛暂时性减轻。Tenderness of exit of pillow big nerve, have radiative painful, sensitive to pinprick or cervical skin is slow, cervical and aching provisionality reduces drawing.

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就在二人蜜月旅行时,两人不幸遭遇车祸,大伟离世,丛失去了孩子,双目暂时性失明。It is when journey of 2 people honeymoon, two people misfortune encounters traffic accident, big Wei dies, the clump lost the child, binocular provisionality blindness.

这类“痴呆”大都是伴随意识障碍而出现的暂时性脑机能障碍,并非真正智能缺损。This kind " gawkish " it is the provisionality head that accompany recognizant obstacle and appears mostly dysfunction, be not true intelligence to be short of caustic.

然而,上述方法都是些临时性的,并不能从根本上解决问题,还可能使患者对药物产生依赖心理。However, afore-mentioned methods are some of provisionality , not can from go up at all solve a problem, make the patient arises to medicaments possibly still depend on psychology.

少数正常人在摄取大量碳水化合物后,由于小肠吸收糖过快而负荷过重,可出现暂时性糖尿。A few normal person is in after absorbing a large number of carbohydrate, because small intestine absorbs candy too fast and bear is overweight, can appear provisionality sugar make water.