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你能发挥叮铃铃?Can you play jingle bells ?

“叮铃铃”下课了。"Jingle bell" class dismissed.

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铃声响叮当是一首非常好听的歌!Jingle bells is a very good song.

顺口溜马是还年轻的心。Jingle Ma is still young at heart.

学唱“铃儿响钉铛”,播放录音让学生跟唱。Today we'll sing a song, Jingle Bells.

他为一则洗发露广告编了一首歌。He wrote a jingle for a shampoo advert.

这是人们给我编的顺口溜。This is the jingle that people writes to me.

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叮叮当,我好臭,我刚拉屎在我裤子上。Jingle bell. Bad me smell. I just crap my pant.

马刺的“噌噌”声也随着他们的远去而渐渐消失。I listened until the jingle of their spurs faded.

羊驼拉玛的假期。叮当音乐。灯火辉煌。Llama Llama holidays. Jingle music. Light ablaze.

“叮铃铃——”40分钟的可好不容易上完了。"Jingle bell -" 40-minute hard-on can be finished.

请手鼓纸碗和叮铃铃!Make tambourines with paper bowls and jingle bells!

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在铃声相伴的清晨我愿随你而去!In the jingle jangle morning I'll come followin' you.

圣诞节唱“铃儿响叮当”是一种传统。It's a tradition to sing "Jingle Bells" on Christmas.

当罐子几乎还是空着的时候,它们落进去时发出的是快乐的叮当声。They landed with a merry jingle when the jar was almost empty.

这首简单好记的广告歌成功地吸引了许多消费者。This catchy jingle is successful in attracting a lot of consumers.

于是,又等了几分钟,然后,铃铛发出警告声。And they wait a few minutes more, before the bells jingle a warning.

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当你提着灯引他进门时,不要让你的手镯丁当作响。Do not let our bracelets jingle when, lamp in hand, you lead him in.

不要让你地手镯作响,当你提着灯,带他进来地时候。Do not let your bracelets jingle when, lamp in hand, you lead him in.

在屋外,Sucre听到一阵钥匙碰撞发出的叮当声,是狱警Stolte在巡逻。Outside, Sucre hears the jingle of keys as C.O. Stolte makes his rounds.