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Methusaleh看起来更像是一个小学生。Methusaleh seems a schoolboy.

他终归是个小学生。After all he is still a schoolboy.

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男生怎样去除黑色、肿胀的眼袋?Schoolboy how pouch of purify black, tumid ?

怎样防止男生皮肤发红过敏?。How to prevent schoolboy skin aglow allergy ?

那个男生对着教师的背后做个鬼脸。The schoolboy made a face at his teacher's back.

一个男孩放学回家时,觉得肚子有点痛。A schoolboy went home with a pain in his stomach.

那我为什么觉得像是星期天的小学生?Then why is it that I feel like a schoolboy on Sunday?

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这一年几乎都是宅男生活。It is this year almost curtilage the schoolboy is vivid.

那男生经常跷课和逃学。The schoolboy is often cutting classes and playing hooky.

理科教师詹姆斯·伍德因为掌掴一名男生而被开除。Science teacher James Wood was sacked for slapping a schoolboy.

那名男生在穿过街道时让一辆小公共汽车撞倒了。The schoolboy was knocked down by a minibus when crossing the street.

是的,杀害五百万犹太人只是男孩们的玩笑。“大师”这样辩解说。Yes, killing 5 million jews is just schoolboy japes. Master debating.

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纵使多年已过,但每当我紧握你的手时,仍有一种自己还是高中生的感觉。After all these years I still feel like a schoolboy when I hold your hand.

它将怎样摇晃当你与像一些小学生包上热运行。Or how it would jiggle when you run with the pack like some schoolboy on heat.

受惊的蓉蓉大声尖叫,男生则迅速逃去。The Chengdu Chengdu of be frighted screams aloud, the schoolboy escapes quickly.

我作为学生记日记是我于1928年进入拉丁学校时开始的。I had started a schoolboy diary the same year I entered the Latin School, in 1928.

坦蒂在影片中饰演一位爱上了一个白人男学生的乌干达少女。Thandie landed the role of an Ugandan teen who falls in love with a white schoolboy.

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10岁男生乔希?亨德森将手和世界第一高人的手进行比较。Schoolboy Josh Henderson, 10, holds his hand against that of the world's tallest man.

随后,他们又印了一些传单,挨个男生宿舍发放。Subsequently, they imprinted again a few handbills , in turn schoolboy dormitory extends.

德布坦特队来自威尔士的年仅15岁的国际守门员瑞斯·泰勒扑出了一粒点球。Debutant goalkeeper, 15 years old Wales schoolboy international Rhys Taylor, saves a penalty.