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第一个表演是蟒蛇斗鸡。The first show was Python cockfighting.

用英语发个斗鸡帖子。Send a new post about cockfighting in English.

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这里是斗鸡专业网站。There is the professional cockfighting website.

本论坛是最具专业水准的斗鸡网站。This BBS is the most professional website about cockfighting.

版纳斗鸡是我国著名的斗鸡品种之一。Banna gamecock is one of the famous cockfighting breed in China.

这只公鸡是一只“常胜将军”,已经赢得了四场斗鸡比赛。The rooster is a champion rooster that has won about four cockfighting bouts.

然而,斗鸡现在人们普遍认识是一种形式的虐待动物。However, cockfighting is now generally recognized as a form of animal cruelty.

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研究采用PCR-SSCP方法分析了吐鲁番斗鸡和新罗曼鸡单胺氧化酶A基因外显子6部分序列的多态性。Polymorphism in Exon 6 of MAOA gene of Turpan cockfighting and Xinluoman was analyzed by PCR-SSCP.

在越南北部,政府允许人们举办斗鸡比赛来庆祝新年。In North Viet Nam, the government allow people to hold cockfighting event to celebrate the New Year.

为取暖中国孩子们会玩一些特别的游戏,例如滚铁环和斗鸡等。To keep warm, the children of China have special games to play, such as hoop rolling and the cockfighting game.

鸡冠国以鸡为神,但斗鸡总败在大龙国金鸡脚下。Cockscomb country is a god with chicken, but cockfighting always be defeated in big Long Guojin gallinaceous foot falls.

斗鸡这天,鸡冠国设下埋伏,把大龙国皇帝和众大臣困住。Cockfighting this day, cockscomb country sets next ambuscading, big Long Guohuang the Supreme Being and numerous chancellery box up.

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在庙的交叉路口因比赛而关闭,几条街也都关闭了,留出空间给摩托车停泊。The intersection in front of the temple was closed for cockfighting. Several blocks of street were also closed to make room for motorbike parking.

在许多国家,壮观的斗鸡提请整个家庭,并在一些国家,斗鸡是受欢迎的棒球和足球在美国。In many countries, the spectacle of cockfighting draws whole families, and in some countries, cockfighting is as popular as baseball and football are in the United States.

河南斗鸡骁勇善战,在长期的选种驯化过程中,其内的一些器官也形成一系列特点。Henan cockfighting are very famous for its bold and powerful fighting. A series of features have been formed within some organs in the long process of breed selection and domestication.

印度孟加拉邦的警察目前正在追捕一只“杀人斗鸡”,这只斗鸡因为不满被逼上斗场搏斗,便用绑在腿上的锋利刀片割破其主人喉咙,将其杀死。Indian police of West Bengal are hunting for a killer rooster after the fighting bird slashed its owner's throat with razor blades attached to its legs for the cruel sport of cockfighting.

印度孟加拉邦的警察目前正在追捕一只“杀人斗鸡”,这只斗鸡因为不满被逼上斗场搏斗,便用绑在腿上的锋利刀片割破其主人喉咙,将其杀死。Indian police of West Bengal are hunting for a killer rooster after the fighting bird slashed its owner's throat with razor blades attached to its legs for the cruel sport of cockfighting.